

Every thread I've read where Damsels are mentioned I see aggressive.... ??
I currently have 3 Yellowtail Blue Damsels (Chrysiptera parasema) housed in my aquarium along with 1 BiColor Angel; 3 Percula Clowns; 1 Royal Gramma; 1 Pajama Cardinal; 1 Goby (Unknown - LFS sold as "Assorted" because they were unsure what type of goby it was.... Very active little fellow that my husband liked so we bought him... I'm trying to get pics so that I can ask about it on this site - but so far haven't been able to capture a good shot!).
Before purchasing my Yellowtails I'd read from A PocketExpert Guide Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael that this type of damsel was one of the least aggressive - and so far, have experienced nothing but delight in watching them actively swim around in their gorgeous color! Yet, I'm wondering....
Will their temperment change with age OR was this a good selection for a peaceful tank?


I have a yellow tail in my tank and from time to time he tries to show the others he is the boss, but very seldom and all seem to get along well. He does have his area and tries to show the others that it is his, but for the most part, no problems. I am partial to him since he was my first. Although he only cost 5 dollars when some of the others cost 50 dollars, so if he bacame a problem he would go.


Dream, there are different degrees af aggressiveness displayed by these fish. I tend to believe that with damsels, the older they get, the more their attitude grows. This also varies with the type of Damsel. Dominos are some of the worst I think (although the best looking IMO). Like weber said, if you enjoy the fish just hang onto it until it becomes a problem.


Active Member
my blue shows no agression whatsoever, very peaceful now maybe i got lucky but i enjoy that fish very much lots of personality and i've even hand fed him once or twice...tobin