

everything i have seen on here is talking about NOT putting damsels in your tank. why is that? what do they do that is so bad? i was thinking about getting a blue yellow tail today to put in my tank and leave him in there. what would be wrong with that?


Active Member
They are known for being very agressive and teritorial, If you ever wanted to catch one most people end up taking all there rock out of the tank just to catch them. I have a blue devil damsel and have had him for over two years and is one of my favs. He is only agressive to me. If you get one make sure and research to find the least agressve.


ya they are just mean i had a blue devil kill 3 of my clowns. catching them is really fun i had to pull 40 lbs of rock to finally get him out


I really like the yellow tails, but a friend of mine has them and every other fish gets hassled by them. Another friend has chromies and they seem much more docile.
That being said, aggressiveness can depend on tank size and tankmates, ages, sizes, etc.


I had 1 yellow tailed Damsels in my tank and everything was fine, added 3 more last weekend, thing's went south from there. they about killed my Firefish, chase my shrimp, I'm in the process of getting them out now. No more for me.
I'd rather have a tank with live rock, shrimp, and crabs then to have these guys tearing each other up.
my 2 cents.


You have 5 (now 6) replies urging against using Damsels in you tank.
It's your tank but YOU asked our advice.

Some people use Damsels as start up fish because they are a hardy fish and can take water conditions that are not up to par.
I grant you, I also used Damsels because I thought they looked good and everyone told me to! (yea, I know, I jumped off the cliff too!
But take my advice:(or not)
Do not put anything in your tank just for start-up. And remember this: It is easier to put them in and near impossible to take them out!
I too, had to remove all 100lbs. of rock, even 1 piece left and the little buggers could still hide.
There are so many cool choices, Blennies,Gobies,ect. just for starters that are not aggressive.
Good luck,let us know what you decide.


Originally Posted by JimVette1
You have 5 (now 6) replies urging against using Damsels in you tank.
It's your tank but YOU asked our advice.

Some people use Damsels as start up fish because they are a hardy fish and can take water conditions that are not up to par.
I grant you, I also used Damsels because I thought they looked good and everyone told me to! (yea, I know, I jumped off the cliff too!
But take my advice:(or not)
Do not put anything in your tank just for start-up. And remember this: It is easier to put them in and near impossible to take them out!
I too, had to remove all 100lbs. of rock, even 1 piece left and the little buggers could still hide.
There are so many cool choices, Blennies,Gobies,ect. just for starters that are not aggressive.
Good luck,let us know what you decide.

+1 for me only it was 45 lbs of LR, but it was still every last rock in the tank. I have one yellow tail in my tank, he is the only damsel that behaved himself from the begining. The others had to be removed. Its just a roll of the dice, if you get one thats nice consider yourself blessed by the fish gods


i had a few kill 5 clowns till i got smart and took all the rock out to cath them, and never lost a fish since

saka bra

not all damsels are bad... the only damsel i would ever get would be either blue-yellow tail, and turqoise ones, they stay reletively small and colorful. i would stay away from the dacyllus species fo sho, they are much more aggresive, loose their young coloration and turn into a dull ugly fish that gets about 4 inch max, that wont let you get new fish unless its 4x the size.
not to mention the garribaldi damsel that is really cool that obtains a bright orange color and grows to a max size of like 2lbs. but for large 50-60 degree chilled tanks.


Of all the fish you could buy damsels are by far the most likly to survive being your first fish.
if you...forgot to do a water change,blew a heater(cold/hot), under/over feed, used tap water, or elertic shock they will be fine.


lol well i have 12 damsels
2 of the gold tails
3 yellows
2 convict "3 stripe"
1 blue chromis
1 Blue Damsel
2 Dominos
1 Yellowbelly
so far they all get along when i add a new one they do a little cat and mouse game around the tank then after a day or so they all have their own little spot in the tank
"my tank is 120 gal and the avg size of them are less the 1 1/2 in but the blue damsele is about 2 1/2
Damsels are EVIL!
Seriously, even the Yellow tail, that are laid back, as they get older the get meaner, they killed a Royal Gramma and a PseudoChromis that I had in the tank at one point, if you want Damsels, get a Chromis.. Blue Reef or Green. They are in the damsel family, but more laid back.


Active Member
Agree on the generally negative opinion s of Damsels expressed above. I tried and tried to remove my 3 damsels in my reef tank but geve up. They are agressive and the biggest of my three attacks me and bites my hand every time I put my hand in the tank. They do seem to be coexisting with my LMB and clown and aren't causing any trouble right now but I would not recommend them. They are kinda like squirrels: tough, hardy, and persistent. I don't like them, but I have a lot of respect for them.


Originally Posted by Nordy
Agree on the generally negative opinion s of Damsels expressed above. I tried and tried to remove my 3 damsels in my reef tank but geve up. They are agressive and the biggest of my three attacks me and bites my hand every time I put my hand in the tank. They do seem to be coexisting with my LMB and clown and aren't causing any trouble right now but I would not recommend them. They are kinda like squirrels: tough, hardy, and persistent. I don't like them, but I have a lot of respect for them.
I'll give'm that they r tough little buggers!


azure damsels look way better then yellow tails imo.
i never had a prob with aggression with them though, i had a 4 stripe damsel that was peaceful for like 2 weeks then mysteriously died. and 2 azure damsels. one died a few days after putting it in the DT and the other got eat by my SFE
eek lol


Active Member
I have a Springer's damsel in my tank with several other fish and haven't had an issue. He has his little hidey hole and chases any other fish away from there but that's about it. Never killed any fish and gets along just fine. But it could be a one off deal. Generally, they're not accepted.