

New Member
So why all the dislike for Damsels? I have Blue Damsels and from what I hear, they're the least likely to be mean. I guess I'll find out later this week when I add some more fish. I've only seen them chase each other, not that much, and one nipped at my hand the other day when I was adding some live rock. If this constitutes a mean fish, then my FW angelfish must have been EVIL!!!


The dislike comes from not only their being very very mean, but they are so fast and small that they're difficult to get out of the tank as well....so you end up taking everything apart OR living with them...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by JohnnyReb
So why all the dislike for Damsels? I have Blue Damsels and from what I hear, they're the least likely to be mean. I guess I'll find out later this week when I add some more fish. I've only seen them chase each other, not that much, and one nipped at my hand the other day when I was adding some live rock. If this constitutes a mean fish, then my FW angelfish must have been EVIL!!!

Damsels will not stay small. They get around 5 to 6 inches around when grown. That little nip will draw blood later. That little chase game will become an all out attack, resulting in death.
A FW angel is nothing like the evil little demon, uh damsel.


New Member
oh ok, I had heard that the blue ones only got to about 2" in size and aren't so mean. Maybe I should rehome them before I get anything else....


New Member
Then again I do have a good sozed tank (120 gal) maybe since there's so much room, there won't be any turf wars?

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you house the smaller damsels with the correct fish they can be some of the best fish in the hobby. They are active. Gorgeous and bold. I had a couple yellow tails with a coral beauty, 2 clown fish and a six line wrasse. I took out the clowns and put them in my 75 then added a Fimbraited eel and they all got eaten except the coral Beauty. They great in there before the eel came along. Always out and swimming around. Yes some damsels get big. Most stay 3 inches and under.


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Damsels will not stay small. They get around 5 to 6 inches around when grown. That little nip will draw blood later. That little chase game will become an all out attack, resulting in death.
A FW angel is nothing like the evil little demon, uh damsel.
I think you meant to say around 5 to 6 cm. or about 2 1/2''


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by walt.c
I think you meant to say around 5 to 6 cm. or about 2 1/2''
I admit I am no expert by any means. I think they are so beautiful, but all the info I dig up, and or ask about is only negative. I did see a pretty blue one with a yellow tail, it was every bit of 5 inches, bite the hand of my friend and it drew blood.
It was the only thing in the tank because it killed everything else, she hated the fish but her husband couldn't find anyone to take it, and he didn't want to kill it.
I like sweet gentile fish, there are lots of people who like the more aggressive types. I am sure there has to be a combination of the kind of fish a damsel couldn't bully.
My advice is only this...when setting up your tank, just be very sure you have the kind of fish and critters you want. Look at what can be placed with what, to make your choice.
It is very hard to change later and an aggressive type can't be placed with the more gentile shy quiet types. The wrong mixture will result in injured fish and a loss of money.
Sit down and make a list... choose what not only will get along with each other, but consider the size of your tank as well. Some really pretty fish eat coral, so if you get them a reef is no longer an option. An angel will eat sponges, some fish eat tube worms on and on the list goes.
If you are well informed and make carful choices you are going to be happy and so will your fish.


New Member
Well dang. The lady at the LFS said the blue angels would be fine and that only domino angels would be a real problem with other fish. I have to admit, I am getting concerned watching them. One seems to have claimed the left side of the tank appears to be patrolling the area. The other 4 damsels are staying on the right side. So I could.
1. see if the LFS will take them back (with or without store credit)
2. Clean up one of the unused tanks I have for the damsels and keep them.
I'm leaning toward option 1. Back when I was doing FW I had 6 tanks going at once and I got burned out. I don't want to go that route again. I reckon I'll go dig through all my fish supplies that I have stored and see if I can find the BIG net!
Since someone mentioned starting a list, here's the mental list I have already
1-2 clowns
Blue and or Yellow tangs
some sort of butterfly fish


Active Member
almost all damsels are territorial, chromis are your best bet if you like the appearance of the damsel..damsels have a tendency to beat each other up till there is one left.. chromis's tend to school better..damsels are just crabby fish lol

crypt keeper

Active Member
you need either bigger meaner fish or an eel. They are great fish when housed correctly. Bulletpoof. Full of life. Bold and proud. They swim around. Have unreal colors.


Active Member
I have had my blue damsels and 3 stripes for 7 months and they are about full grown-2.5". They are the best behaved fish in the tank. I have an angel, a couple wrasses, a yellow tang, a red spotted hawk and a lawn mower blenny in a 125g tank. The damsels are a little nippy with each other, but just ignore everyone else. Heck, the bluefin angel loves to chase the damsels out of it's territory. Plenty of space and LR and your damsels will be fine. Give the little guys a chance. They are a tiny fish in a great big world. They have to be bold to survive. I think they are scape goats that are a convenient "usual suspect".


go with these chromis
they arent agressive i have some and all they do is swim up ontop waiting for food and they break the apearance of other fishes so if u look at the tank some are swiming arround my rocks while others are scavenging the sand and last but not least the damsels are ontop swiming almost to the surface of the water (almost)


Originally Posted by unleashed
almost all damsels are territorial, chromis are your best bet if you like the appearance of the damsel..damsels have a tendency to beat each other up till there is one left.. chromis's tend to school better..damsels are just crabby fish lol
Green chromis tend to do this as well I had 10 then 7 then 3, I .... Q.T.ed more greens only to have them picked on and eaten by the established 3, there are a few things you can do to make sure they live together. I have 7 again.
1- get as many as you can the first time
2- add full grown chromis to any you lose in the school(from Q.T.)
3- cover the entire tank from light for a day or two when acculmating new fish into the school.
On the bright side they do school BIG time, its awsome.


New Member
Well, this isn't making it any less confusing. I already have someone who will buy the Damsels but, IF they would be ok with other fish I would like to keep them. I kinda like them............


New Member
I have a Yellow tail, and a 3 striped damsel, also have a bangi cardnial, a black and white clown, and a coral beauty. They all get along fine, if anyone is the devil, its my coral beauty, she will go after anything that gets near her little cave.


New Member
Well, so far, even the one that does the majority of the chasing only does it occasionally and the other 4 damsels don't seem to be stressed although as mentioned earlier, this one seems to have laid claim to the left side of the tank as that's where it hangs out most of the time. The other 4 stay in the the upper right area.........


Active Member
I just bought 3 domino damsels to add more movement to my reef. I had 2 before, but they died in a ****** outbreak a year ago. I will put my money and other fish where my mouth is. Damsels are NOT the terrors that some people say they are. Poor stewardship is often blamed on the livestock.


Originally Posted by JohnnyReb
oh ok, I had heard that the blue ones only got to about 2" in size and aren't so mean. Maybe I should rehome them before I get anything else....
the blue one is also referred to as the blue devil. And that is exactly what I like to call mine. He and my black damsel are terrors in my tank. I am hoping my trigger will put them in place soon!
because I can not catch them! They like to hit around the other fish with there tails repeatedly. Whenever I introduce a new fish I have to cover my tank with blankets for two days, to trick them in to sleeping while they adjust.
pure evil!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by JohnnyReb
Well, this isn't making it any less confusing. I already have someone who will buy the Damsels but, IF they would be ok with other fish I would like to keep them. I kinda like them............
what size is your tank and what is your stock list?