

I have just started a new tank about a month ago i have 9 damsels in the tank a variety of species. I have heard alot of negative comments about them. I was just wondering what they do to the tank, or do people just get sick of them.


New Member
These fish start out innocent enough, but its not long before they will become aggressive. Plus, they can be

to catch if you ever wish to get rid of them.


a good cheap hearty fish for cycleing a tank... but see if the stroe will take them back when you want to add more fish later


What are y'all talking about? I love damselfish... they're very hardy, colorfull, and if you don't want much work you can keep a tank full of them! Sure, they're aggressive, but I love aggressive fish! hehehehe. They're more fun than those wimpy fish. Yeah Triggers! Yeah Damsels! Yeah Tangs! You can keep doing what you're doing, but make sure you DO NOT over do it as far as numbers. And provide lots of shelter.

the rock

the rock says....
the different chromis are the only damsel that you should keep in your tank as they are generally peaceful and can be kept in groups, the others can obviously be kept, but can be a royal pain in most cases


I don't see why everyone is bashing the damnselles,they are cool fish. I also think it depends on the specific type of damnselle. I've found that the blue ones are not as aggressive as others, such as the dominoe.


New Member
I have kept 3 of 8 damsels fish that I had started out with. I found the yellowtail damsel quite docile with striking colors, and I kept a black and white stripe one. Without the dominos they seem to be quite happy and haven't had a problem with them.


I don't have any fish in my tank yet...not sure if I'll get a damsel or not...but they sure are fun to mess with (in the tank or in the ocean). When we go diving, they get really mad if you put your fingers in "their domain" and the ones in the tank are fun to watch when you put your finger up to the glass. As far as diving is concerned, I'm just glad they aren't bigger!


New Member
Hey guys give damels some credit they help a lot of people get there tanks started. i love mine are not bad i have two yellow tails, and two blue damels the blue damels are cool because they change color right before your eyes.. happy fishing


Active Member
I agree - damsels get a bad rap all the time, and man is this an old post.
Is this an ancient post resurrection ??
Brian :confused:
[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: broomer5 ]


New Member
I'm also pretty happy with my two yellow-tailed damsels. They add color to the tank and haven't caused any problems with my other fish. I put a bi-color dottieback in with them a few months ago and they fought like mad for a few days, but have been 100% peaceful since then (well, at least when I am looking at them).