Dang LTA!!!!


New Member
I have been losing fish quite frequently over the past few months. Two Lyertail Anthias, a Blue Reef Chromis, and a Coral Beauty in about 6 months time. All were in great looking and acting shape but simply vanished literaly over night. My water param's have always been great and I couldn't figure it out. My kids swore that my LTA was eating them but opinions on that seem to vary. Well mine wont any more. We caught it in the act today woofing down a Lemon Peel sandwich. Bye Bye LTA, going to the LFS tomorrow!



I think there was something underlying in the tank though because a LTA is not going to be able to hold on to healthy fish!!!. It will however catch any dead carcus in the water stream and eat it. do you have a picture of this anemone all opened up though?
sorry for your lose of fish though.


Active Member
You cant blame the anemone for doing what it does. Its not like the anemone reaches out and grabs the fish. I have lost quite a few fish to a 12 inch wide carpet. The way I see it is, if they are dumb enough to swim in it, they deserve to get eaten. STUPID FISH!!!! I just chalk it up and do it again. So far it has eaten 6 anthias, 1 moorish idol, 3 diamond gobies, 4 wrasse, 3 cardinals, 2 dart fish and thats it i think. I do a head count every morning and when i see one missing, I wait for the bones to be expelled. All but the dart fish bones showed up.


carpets are known fish eaters though they will even eat the clowns that are hosting in them.
I have seen carpets with large tangs sticking out of there mouths before


Active Member
Yeah i know. Hopefully my clowns are safe....for now. Its funny how something without a brain can take out soo much as if it did.


Active Member
I beleive my LTA is responsible for a Flame Angelfish and a Sixline Wrasse as well as a few gobies...just another gamble that the hobby is full of....


New Member
Stupid Fish!!! That is exactly what my wife said. She really likes the LTA. I told her we could keep it, but we wouldn't buy any more fish. Instead I would just throw $20 in the tank.


Active Member
Awe come on. Stock it and let nature take its course. Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest. Nothing like pushing the envelope.


Active Member
"wow thats just crazy !!!"
"Awe come on. Stock it and let nature take its course. Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest. Nothing like pushing the envelope."
best two quotes i've seen in the same thread in a while


Active Member
Originally Posted by Danbe
Stupid Fish!!! That is exactly what my wife said. She really likes the LTA. I told her we could keep it, but we wouldn't buy any more fish. Instead I would just throw $20 in the tank.
Do you have anemonefish that host it ??? They can help reduce the threat by keeping/chaseing some fish away from the anemone....


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Do you have anemonefish that host it ??? They can help reduce the threat by keeping/chaseing some fish away from the anemone....
That my Clarkii didn't do such a good job hosting my purple... there's a nasty damsel that I can't bring myself to execute but wouldn't mind if MN (mother nature) turned into anemone food!