Danger Of Grounding Probes


Active Member
yet another example of why not to use a grounding probe.
Titanium grounding rod DANGER!
Just something I'd like to pass on to you should a question arise on the www. Do encourage people NOT to use these things.
<I don't, and never have>
They are a potentially very dangerous item to have in the aquarium. A friend of mine decided to pull his grounding rod out of the tank to clean
the algae off it. Unknowingly, he had a powerhead that was electrically defective as far as insulation goes. Well, he grabbed the rod in one hand
and had the other hand in the water, and presto, since he was connected directly to earth ground he got quite a jolt which caused his arm to go numb for some time and also created nervous twitches for about a week.
James (Salty Dog)
<Yeeikes! Bob F>
this was found on a very popular web site to those that dont recognise the name Bob F AKA robert fenner auther of consiencous marine aquarius amung other informative marine life books


Active Member
Definitly agree... Grounding Probes should only be used whe a GFCB or GFCI is installed. That is because the GP will cause the breaker/plug to trip.


Originally Posted by PFitz44
Definitly agree... Grounding Probes should only be used whe a GFCB or GFCI is installed. That is because the GP will cause the breaker/plug to trip.

They should NEVER be used without the gfci /Gfcb!! It should be stated so on the package (and might be, but I don't have a package to check.)


Active Member
if its causing your breakers to pop you know you have a problem with current.the problem is if there a problem and breakers dont pop this could cause electrical fires and breakers to overheat and stick to on position(I had an electrition mount my lighting in my hood for me)to ensure proper wiring or this given reasons


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
Definitly agree... Grounding Probes should only be used whe a GFCB or GFCI is installed. That is because the GP will cause the breaker/plug to trip.
What is a GFCB an a GFCI ?


A GFCI is a ground fault current interupter it shuts the power down when basically strau voltage is present.


Active Member
Where can I get one? I just ordered a grounding probe but I don't want to use it with out preventive measures since I just learned they are dangerous.


You can get them at homedepot or other do it yourself stores and u will have to play with a litte wireing because gfci is a plug if im not mistaken and the other is a circuit breaker which you should in most states have a licensed electrician install them so that homeowners insurance is covered


Active Member
Will I be at risk if I unplug the grounding proe before touching it?
Will I be at risk just putting my hand in the water when it is pluged in?


i cant give u an honest answer because i dont know for sure but i would think if u could unplug it it would be ok but i think sticking your hand in to find out wouldnt be all that dfun and it doesnt cost alot for the gfci's at all and most electricians wont chare an arm and a leg to come in an install them atl least not around here anyways our remodeling company we do them for 35 all arounf that incluides plug and install


Active Member
I live in a condo so I can't control the electric box. But it seems that when ever it is pluged in then one would never be able to put his hand in his tank even if the probe is in the sump, because it is in the same water???


Active Member
Where would you place it? I was thinking my sump, but then I also thought I may just place it in my overflow box. Does it have to be near the electrical equipment?