Dankbardy31 24g Nano Journal


i need recommendations on what sort of supplements to add to the tank for the corals. let me know what you guys think. Also what is a good glue that you can use underwater?


Active Member
you will probably need to start dosing calcium and alk. depends on how much your clam takes up.
i use loctite superglue gel for frags and it works really well. it cures underwater and is reef safe.


thanks, I'll look into that glue!
So as far as the tank goes all the corals are doing great. HOwever my pseudochromis died and ended up in my filter floss mysteriously. I think they he got punked by my cinnamon clown. So he will be the only fish in there for the forseeable future.
As far as the 100g tank goes all is well. We added a Humu Humu last week and he is eating like crazy. I saw him rip the face off a live feeder fish, it was gnarly.
110g current stock list:
blue damsel
4 stripe damsel
blue velvet damsel
snowflake damsel
niger trigger
dogface puffer
humu humu trigger
3 oscellaris clowns
snowflake eel
banded snake eel
chocolate chip starfish
assorted snails
The only other thing that we will eventually add will be a clown trigger. I'm really happy with the way that this tank has come along. It always gets a lot of compliments when company is over.


Active Member
too bad to hear about your psuedo chromis, the 110 sounds sweet.
One of these days I still gotta make my way out to the IE to see all your tanks.


Yea dude, especially because we feed live fish to the lion, puffer, humu, and eel. Its like a freaking murder scene in that tank! The humu is so fast and he seriously rips the fishes face off or bites off their tail. Sick yet awesome!


So I have officially had my nano tank for one year. Holy crap, how time flies! I really want to install an auto top off system but don't really have a place to store the extra water. It has been an awesome journey and I love watching new polyps form, coral grow, and the movement under flow. Happy birthday nano baby!