Dark Green Algae

delta lady

New Member
There is a "very" dark green algae in my tank covering some of the sand. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of it?


we must find the source -
1. How old is the tank?
2. Do you use tap water? or RO/DI water?
3. What is your filtration IE (Skimmer, live rock, live sand)
4. What do you ahev as far as fish and inverts, and how big are they?
5. How fast did you add your fish/inverts?
6. What do you have as far as flow in your tank? flow is very important.

delta lady

New Member
My tank is 2 ½ months old. I use tap water. I have a wet/dry filtration system. I have a protein skimmer but I have not set it up yet. Right now as far as inverts, I have a CB shrimp, a sally light foot crab, about 5 hermit crabs, and 3 snails. Fish, I have a royal gamma, a yellow tang and two clowns. I have a power head in one corner of the tank and I have a spout in the other corner coming from the flow of the water from the sump


Active Member
everyone says it comes from tap water, is it kinda slimy, and stringy?? dont use tap water, and make sre you have plenty of water movement, which you probly do wtih what you said you have. you should probly go ahead and crank up your skimmer. I got my slimy green out with a net!
but it worked, and you need more cleaner crabs! hope that helps . keep askin and see what Effloresce says. Todd:happyfish

delta lady

New Member
Thanks. I forgot to tell you all that I also have about 30lbs of live rock in the tank too. I have been looking on this site for a clean up crew. So I will go ahead and remove the green stuff from the two areas that cover the sand in the tank. Thanks again.


1. buy an RO/DI unit, dont use tap water
2. get more powerheads for flow.
3. 2.5 months is to fats for 3 fish, you shoudl wait a month for cycle and a fish every month, IMO
4. the SWF.com clean up crews are great, best you can get for your money, i have no complaint but a emerald that ate my corals, but they can help that. definitly a good buy!
5. you want at least 1 pound of live rock per gallon for proper filtration, that is adding, the micro fauana isnt strong enough in a 72g bow with onyl 30lbs of LR, and the nitrates arent getting taken out, so the alage is growing and thriving on the nutrients.
6. look into getting a sump/refugium for filtrations and filtration room in place of your wet/dry


Active Member
Lot of people on here dont like wet/dry filters, I love mine and havny had any trouble, a friend of mine has one on hi 55 gal for 3 yrs wothout much trouble, you can add a sump/refugium also, after the filter either one or both, but the wet/dry i think is a good filter system. Goodluck Todd:sleepy: