Dark purple cyno.


Active Member
How do i get rid of this cyno on my sand? The flow is not doing it for me. If I get some chaeto macro algae will that help alot?


Active Member
it may help eventualy.
but the way to get rid of it is to lower nutrients. it could be from overstocking, not enough water changes, a bad protein skimmer, or overfeeding. or from having your tank in direct sunlight


New Member
Two suggestions, first as I am sure others will inform you...you need to make sure your water perimeters are correct. Second is water flow.
I had ongoing problems with cyno outbreaks. My water perimeters had been a little off but were corrected, unfortunately my problems persisted. I just added another powerhead a couple of days ago in the area which was most affected by the cyno. I am happy to see that the nasty problem seem to be lessening dramatically.
From what I have read and understand, any tank has the propensity for cyno outbreaks at any time. By keeping your water perimeters in check and having good water flow, it seems that you can nip the problem in the butt before it actually blooms.


Active Member
Nitrates- little under 10
Nitrites & ammonia- 0
My skimmer has been going out of wack lately with it not producing foam for 2 weeks and yes i did clean it.


Active Member
what type of skimmer?
water parameters are not always an accurate way to measure. because everyting could be 0, but there would have to be extra nutrients in your water or else the cyano wouldnt be present. If everything is 0 it just means that the cyano is eating all the extras.
and i thought of another thing: old bulbs or a long photoperiod. thats a big one


My cheato is helping me a lot by growing fast and as a cyano magnet. I use some stainless scissors to cut off all the cyano around the top edges and tossed it in the trash. I've only ever done this once so far, yesterday.
So far I'm usuing the manual method of red hair cyano. Sucking it out with hose scraping and siphoning of sump also. I pour the water back into the tank through a gravity filter the same day I do a water change. That way I scan spread my tank cleaning and water change to last two days. My gravity filter is handy; it's a plastic 2L soda bottle with the bottom cut off, stuffed with filter floss. It was a long string loop that I hang off the ceiling above the tank. Of course I move it out of there when I'm not using it.
Changing tank habits is way easier, but I am trying to feed some growth at the moment. The cheato with the new light on it is making it easier to live with cyano.
Mine is not slimy cyano, it's fuzzy/hairbally. I couldn't stand slimy.


And in addition:
Jut got the phophate kit this weekend. Haven't checked my RO/DI water for phosphate yet - I have a feeling it will be time to change the DI. I'm too busy building a top-off valve bracket right now.