Dark Red Growth


This is probably a dumb question, but I've had my 55G running FOWLR running for 5 months now. I'm starting to get a lot of red growth on my live rock, I'm assuming this is good algae growth. There is some purple algae growth that has started spreading on the glass and pumps also.
Is this natural? Testing my water all the time and everything is perfect with Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, and Ph.


Well-Known Member
What are your parameters? What is your internal flow rate? what type of lighting do you have?
Do you have a picture? Can you easily blow it off with a turkey baster?
What type of protein skimmer do you have? Is it pulling out anything? What is your water change schedule? What is your stocking list?
Sorry for all of the questions, but it is much needed. Most likely it is cyanobacteria which is caused by high nitrates and low flow rates. You can usually combat this by doing water changes, making sure your protein skimmer is working correctly, and decreasing food input.
Hope this helps.


Red slime. Had it in mine about the same duration.
I bet either your nitrates/phosphates/silicates are a bit high.
You have two options:
1) use red slime remover and nuke it out of your tank....
2) let it grow and eventually starve itself off.
I've come across a new mentor who told me. "BAH! All tanks have algea like that...let it grow and it will starve itself out in a bit of time. I let it grow in my tanks...."


Is it hard? Or slimy and easy to scrape off?
Its probably Cyano. How good is the flow in your tank? Do a few water changes and feed alittle less.


Active Member
Calm down with the cyano bacteria comments...... Usually the first place cyano shows up is on the sandbed - not the LR. Dont start telling someone to dose their tank without a proper ID.
The original poster needs to either post pictures or do a search for "cyano bacteria". The purple algae you referred to on the glass is most likely coraline algae and you can properly ID that as well using the search feature on this site.


I had both good algae in my tank and bad, that's why I asked for a pic first cause you don't know what kind of algae it is. All I know is that I had cyano and i never got rid of it. And it was everywhere in there. I tried everything to remove it.
I ended up having to take the tank down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Calm down with the cyano bacteria comments...... Usually the first place cyano shows up is on the sandbed - not the LR. Dont start telling someone to dose their tank without a proper ID.
The original poster needs to either post pictures or do a search for "cyano bacteria". The purple algae you referred to on the glass is most likely coraline algae and you can properly ID that as well using the search feature on this site.
My 55 is also 5 months in and I am starting to get some coraline and a little bit of cyno in my sand bed.


Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB
Is it hard? Or slimy and easy to scrape off?
Its probably Cyano.
this is much needed information to be able to ID what you have and also be able to give you any recomendations on how to fix it.