dark spots on a powder blue tang.


New Member
Hello all woke up this morning and saw my powder blue tang has dark spots all over his body and face what can this be? i did a water change in my tank yesterday don't know if that could have stressed it out but this is not it's first water change i have had it for 2 months now and have not had a problem with him eating or acting erratic.
i have a 50 gal he is 3". I have 1 fire shrimp, 2 camel shrimp,2 clown fish,1 striped damsel,4 turbo snails,50lb of live rock,1star fish,1 anemone,3 feather dusters,2 yumas,1 toad stool,candy cane corals,bubble coral,2 yellow cucumbers,2 sea slugs,and some mushrooms.
my ph is 8.4 salinity is 1.025 nitrates at 20 ammonia and nitrites 0


Active Member
blotchy dark spots or little black pin point spots? a pic is worth 1000 words, but it sounds like stress spots as that tank is way too small for large tang. also check to see if the cukes are alive, if one died it could have expelled its stomach fluids and poisoned the whole tank.


Active Member
Also could be a parasite or could have tangled with the Anemone and gotten burnt. Agree with Saltnoob try to get a picture if you can.


Active Member
post a pic ASAP and we can figure out your course of action.
have you looked at the disease FAQ if it looks like black ick?


New Member
if black ich looks like regaler ich but black heads instead of white heads then thats not it it is not scraping on any rock. it looks like freckles just a little darker than its normal color.


Active Member
again, look at the FAQ section to compare for yourself.
black ick is similar in appearance but not the same, as it is a totally different affliction.
black ick is not three dimensional, and does not have produce a scraping symptom.


Originally Posted by creo568
blotchy spots bigger then a pin tip not ich size but bigger bigger say around 1/16 of an inch
Take a look at Hyper-melaninization and HLLE. Where on the body are the spots and where on the face? A picture would realy help.


New Member
ok the spots when from big brown spots to full fledge ich just ordered kick ich in case i cant snare it to do dip then hypo.Wish me luck id hate for it to die.if it passes i dont think i will buy a tang ever again.They get stressed to easy.They are almost as temperamental as my wife.


Active Member
wow that was quick. i am guessing whatever caused the spots, caused its immune system to drop and, coupled with ick, lead to it's demise.
you now have ick in your system and you should take all of your fish out and run fishless for 6 weeks. in the meantime it would be wise of you to perform hypo on the remaining fish, as the time frame is about the same.