Darn Nitrates!!!


I testes the Nitrates today and the were at 160ppm
. I have a Fluval 305, which I do need to change the media. What is wierd is that I don't have any Ammonia or Nitrite. I can't figure out what is going on. I am also running Clear Max in the Fluval, could it be detoxing the Nitrate, but when you test the water it still shows that it is in there?
Thanks, James


The test kit is fine, I double tested. Is there any other substitute for the foam? Could I use crushed up Live Rock?


Active Member
can you get rid of the filter completely? how much live rock do you have in your tank? what size is the tank? what is the bio load like? do you have a skimmer? what kind?


I have close to 50 lbs of LR, 46 gallon, I have a Coral Beauty, a Midas Blenny, a Orchid Dottyback, and a small Foxface, I have the Bak Pak 2.


Active Member
i would say ditch the cannister completely. see how it goes. do more frequent waterchanges if there is an issue.


New Member
You need to check your tank for any metals asap!!! My roommate had the same thing happen to his tank and there was a paper clip in the bottom!! Something so small can create huge water quality issues!


Active Member
i don't think you need the wet/dry. it's not going to lower your nitrates like waterchanges will. what kind of substrate do you have?