Darn Puffer...


I went to a LFS the other day and bought 5 green chromis. Well I woke up this morning and my Porcupine puffer has eater them, except 2. He eats a ton when I feed him and I was wondering if anyone else has has issues like this. I looked on compadability charts and it said they would be ok together. Oh well live and learn right. Too bad for the little guys :( :( :(
sorry to read about your fish.... even though you may have read that they are compatible and some may be but i think that every fish has a different temperment so to speak and maybe yours is just the exception to the compatability rule :(


you should try to add fish of the same size as the puffer, he just had a quick snack of the smaller fish imo only mix aggressive fish of the same size to avoid this problem.. sorry for your loss


pretty much if you have an agressive fish/ lion trigger puffer grouper whatever, if they can fit it into their mouths they are toast. i have a porc live happily with some smaller fish for a long time, turns out the fish was a wuss. :D just like tigerseyes01 says fish all have different temperments.


New Member
I would say you are pretty much of an idiot for buying those fish to put in your 38 gallon tank with your puffer when all you had to was listen to your friend and just buy your puffer a little eel buddy. just my fo cents!


My porky puffer's a wuss as well. Not only does he ignore other fish, pep shrimps, hermits, and everything else in my tank...he'll only eat a particular BRAND of freeze dried shrimp. Other brand's he spits out with disdain.
The funny thing is...my Naso thinks the puffer is the balls. He swims into the puffer's cave and hangs out with him. When the puffer comes out he follows him around the tank.
Very odd...he needs to get a life.


New Member
You know Snowflake we all could do with out your comments. It's people like you who all of us that are serious about this hobby and this board are getting sick of. All he was doing was telling us what had happened with his puffer and some others had given their advice and good constuctive opinions.
Then you come along and call him an idiot. There was know reason what so ever for you calling him an idiot. Just like with putting any fish together, you have to live and learn. So unless you have anything helpful to say or ask someone on this board, keep your deragatory comments to yourself......."That's just my opinion I could be wrong."
Sorry for the rant. I know this is also not the place for this either. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


most puffers are considered fin nippers, and small fish eaters no matter what kind your looking at. those shrimp and crabs are natural food for puffers also. i had a green spot and he loved eating ghost shrimp and crayfish.


I have to agree with ARPARTYMAN. Calling someone an idiot doesn't help them learn one thing, except not to like YOU at all. We all need to feel comfortable here to learn, not made fun of. :(


New Member
Well I am sorry to have offended all of you people. Deyoe757 is one of my best friends and we ride each other all of time. And because I know him so well I can refer to him as an idiot because he is one, and I am a dumbass, so it all evens out! I apologize for ruffling any feathers out there and would never, ever post a comment like that to somebody I didn't personally know. Hope all is well now in the fish world!


New Member
My bad Snowflake. I also didn't know that you two were friends. It's just all the new people we have got in here lately have really gotten to me by how childish thery are. I do apologize. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


friends are supposed to rip on each other, how else would we know that we were friends? anyway glad everyone ended up happy, i just love that story of the Naso. i am getting one this week hopefully. i have wanted one for a long time but i have never had the cojones to get one. I have terrible luck with taangs. enjoy everyone.
that Naso story just busts me up