Darn skimmer


Active Member
I bought an aqua c ev240 and it has been running for about 3 months now.

It produces a large amount of microbubbles, which is unacceptable. :mad:
This is what I have tried: :thinking:
Called Aqua c: They say give it more time and keep adjusting small turns till it stops producing the so many bubbles. He did say that it is producing to many. Been doing this for a month now. :notsure:
Searched the boards and net for ideas that may be causing the issue and did not find the magic answer. :notsure:
Installed sponges and filters but this does not work since there are sooooo many.
Started to by LR rubble so the water coming from the skimmer can drop on this first then in the sump.... this is a work around and not the actual solution and will not work completely based on the set up.
Not sure what else to do..... Did not skimp in this area and from what I have learned the equipment is top notch. I do feel that the skimmer and pump are a great asset once this annoyance is worked out.

If anyone can shed some light on this problem with the EV 240 and Iwaki md40rlt pump, it sure would be appreciated
Nothing more annoying when looking into the tank and see a bunch of microbubbles floating around. My liilte Astrea snals have microbubbles on their shells.

Thank you.


what height is your sump water at? I would try to higher that, so the water fall comming out of the skimmer isnt so much then falling into the water. Also an acrylic piece almost horizontally attatched to the sump to catch the falling water then let it roll into the sump may help


Active Member
The water in the sump is just below the cut out for the skimmer. So the water actally falls into the sump. No splashing just rolls in.
I will look into your suggestion
Thank you for the suggestions!!!!!! :thinking:


Active Member
FINALLY after months of adjusting and tweaking, it is up and running and working great.
Thought it would never happen but with unlimited amount patience it turned out great.