Darn this burns me!


Active Member
:mad: Went to a lfs yesterday and they had a large aggressive tank, a huge lion fish (gorgous by the way) and a super huge ell, looked like a boa constricter! And a medium sized yellow tang
At least i think it was yellow, it was so stressed by being chased by the eel it was almost white! i think that was cruel, any one agree, or am i just being to soft?


The eel was chasing it around? Thats kind of odd behavior. It could have just been a pale yellow tang, I have seen them on occassion where the yellow is much paler than a normal one, kind of like an albino. Just a guess though. The tang should be able to run circles around and laugh at the eel. Comparing the two is like comparing an F16 fighter and a WWI biplane when it comes to swimming.


still, im sure if the tang ever wanted to relax, it would be pretty hard to do with an aggresive eel. Sucks for the tang!!


Active Member
The eel wasn't chasing it, but when the tang would go by the eel the eel dove at it with its mouth open! It may have been an albino, but it was sick looking tang, it had a yellow on its fins but most of the body was very pale, kinda white with yellow splotches.


Active Member
I would hazard to guess that they are not feeding the tang veggies as well. So it is quite possibly not getting appropriate nutrition, as well as being in a potentially stressful situation, depending on the size of the tank and the size of the eel. The combination, in general, is not too much of a problem for me...so long as tank size, diet, etc are appropriate. Sounds like that may not be the case.