Dartfish pics


I have a 20 gallon tank, that is going to eventually be transfered to my 55. I want to only put in small gobies with lots of the dartfish family. So far i have a firefish, sissortail, and a blue Gudgeon dartfish.
Need some ideas for more dartfish and gobies that will get along with the ones i have. So far i want to get a purple firefish, and maybe a highfin goby, and a banned goby.
if you have any pics please post them of any dartfish/gobies!! Thanks


Helfrich's Firefish - Nemateleotris helfrich
A very beautiful fish but very expensive. I've seen them for as little as $179.99 and as much as $299.99 a fish. Commonly collected from the Maldives but they're rarely imported because of their depth of location.


I have three in a 30g tank and have been there for the last 3 months the only thing is they're getting beaten up by my clownfish so each of them have a ripped tail.


Yes I'm sure I've seen him do it multiple times and he seperates them and attacks them one at a time and blocks their hole they go into for about a minute until my Mimic Tang chases him away from the firefish


Active Member
You may be missing something cause Im only allowed to keep 1 firefish in my 55 gallon and 3 in a 30 gallon will definatly cause problems "expecially when they get old enough to breed".
I can be wrong I have seen some other wierd things but the choice is to try and go with 1 for a small tank. You might be able to keep 2 in a 75+ or a pair in a small tank.


well i havfe a regular firefish and a purple firefish, I've had it for 3 months and so far I have never seen them fight.


The den of these firefish is where the old Green Carpet Anemone use to be and the clown still protects this area from any invaders.


Active Member
really they are happy in pairs i have had a pair for some time and they never fight are let alone leave one anothers side and as well share the same cave....



Originally posted by phils1107
Helfrich's Firefish - Nemateleotris helfrich
A very beautiful fish but very expensive. I've seen them for as little as $179.99 and as much as $299.99 a fish. Commonly collected from the Maldives but they're rarely imported because of their depth of location.

Does anyone on this bord have one of these fire fish? Are they hard to keep?


Active Member
I havnt really had any trouble at al with either of mine, 1 red and 1 purple, there really cool little fellows. Heres a pic of the 2 of them , some times they hang out together, sometimes there at opposite side of the tank. Todd


I don't have any firefish of my own, but here is some stats from another site on the HELFRICHI that was asked about:
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 2½"
Color Form: Lavender, Purple, White, Yellow
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Carnivore


that is a great looking purple! the colors look great under your lights, what are you using for lights?
also, the helfrichi is my dream fish! They are beautiful, but my girlfriend would kill me if i got one be for her RING


Active Member
:eek: Yep, you better get her a Ring first, my wife and I have an agreement, she and the kids come first, then the fish! :D Any way i have 3 150 watt meatl halides and 4 96 watt actinics, and 4 moon lights . thanx for askin todd