DAS tanks need filter drops?


I need some clarification. lfs told me there were some drops to put it the filter box of DAS tanks. They are to help with biological filter. I have had my 140 gal DAS tank for over 2 years and have never used any bio drops. I have never heard or read anything about these drops. Does anyone know what lfs is talking about? Also, does anyone know of a good resource book or site that covers DAS tanks?
140 gal DAS flatback hex - standard equiptment
4-48" standard lights
4 maxi jet PH
ebo jager heater
lots of LR ?lbs
purple tang, sailfin, bangaii pair, 6 line, 2 osc. clowns, tomato clown, brittle star, tuxedo urchin, snails and hermets.
Assorted soft corals: mushrooms, green star polyps, xenia.


Dutch Aquarium Systems!
The filter, sump, and protein skimmer are built into a box in the back corner of the tank.


Ah, seen those before, did not know they had a special name. As to your question, I would treat it like a regular style (is there sucha a thing?) aquarium, and just do what you have found works best for you. Don't add anything unless you know what it is. There is another post on this board somewhere, pretty recent that deals with additives and the like, good reading.


Active Member
My tank is also a DAS.
To be honest; I wish it wasn't.
Forget about the drops. I would also take out the slow nitrate filter. Your stock skimmer also sucks. add a larger air pump and modify the top (waste catcher) to go about an inch lower.
Remove all the tops to the filtration system so light will get in.
You may want to place a plastic screen around the "built in refugium" so fish will cannot jump in.
The DAS tanks are not very good reef tanks IMO but you can treat them as what they are.
I have. ;)


Thanks for your reply dad. I have covered the box to keep the fish out. You seem to know a lot more than I do. I am not sure the names of each part. I took out the round sponge filter awhile ago. It kept clogging the return pump. I also took out the carbon filter and use carbon in a filter bag occasionally. The only thing in there is the rectangular sponge panel. Is this what you mean? I have the round cup skimmer. It seems to work well. Sometimes it gurgles. Where did you find out so much info? Please add any more thoughts you think might help. Thanks dad.


Active Member
Sounds like someone has modified your filters.
The round sponge filter that you took out should not clog up your pump. Infact it was your main filter.
I do not want to tie up this forum with this but will give you my addy for more info and tips, ;)


Hey Maxi,
I recently just got a used DAS 100 gal. It survived the move to my place quite well, it had been running for over 2 years before I got it. I was just talking to my lfs, and they said that the protein skimmer that you have is the updated model.
Mine is just a a simple wood stone and a plastic catch box.
I'll be honest. I am new to this hobby. Had fresh forever, but finally was stable enough to have a salt.
Dad, do you mind if I also email you a couple questions? I'll gladly take any advice there is.

madd catt

When you talk about putting drops in are you talking about a denitrator?those drops may be for enzymes to filter your tank.is this part of a dupla system?.