David Saxby's Amazing 1200 gallon Tank


New Member

I found this video on YouTube and searched for this tank on Google.
This Link is to a forum out of the UK which went to Saxby's House and wrote this article. I think everyone NEEDS to see this.. absolutely awsome.
David's tips
> Skimming and the demands from all the organisms in the system reduce levels of iodine, strontium, molybdenum and various trace elements. A 10% water change using RO water, plus a quality salt such as Reef Crystals once a month, should correct this problem. If additives are used, rely on a good quality dosing pump that delivers only tiny amounts in order to avoid polluting the tank.
> Skimming leads to quite large volumes of saltwater running to waste. This can often be replaced with fresh water if automatic water level management systems are fitted. As salinity levels can fall as a result, it's essential to check this using a good hydrometer and adjust as required.
> Clean skimmers once a week to ensure optimum performance (or add an automatic cleaning system).
> Calcium reactors benefit from replacing the media as old material becomes consolidated and less efficient. While cleaning, turn the reactor upside down and rock to loosen media. Top up media regularly.
> Keep phosphates to a minimum. Always use RO or de-ionised water for water changes. Use a phosphate remover continuously from day one.
> Record any adjustments, new additions, water parameters, or keep a video photographic diary.
Here is another article on Saxby's tank:
I find Saxby's tank very inspirational.. while I will likely never be able to afford anything even close to his set up it gives good advice which can be used on a smaller scale.


New Member
Wow! Wow! Definately the most beautiful tank I've seen. Amazing how many fish he's got in there. Going to have to go get the atlas to ID a couple of the fish. Glad you shared!


Active Member
I watched that on youtube. The tank is hypnotic. I love the hybrid yellow tangs, (or whatever they are). It's amazing.


Active Member
The video was posted here a while back and I must have watched it 5 times...hehe. It's definitely awe-inspiring.


Yes, I think campbell posted it awhile back, but it was closed and the link was taken away. It is a very cool tank.