Day 20, API Test # 10: Added Protein Skimmer & Extra Carbon


Day 20 Notes: After doing my water tests I added a protein skimmer that hangs off the back of the tank (photos can be seen at the link below). I purchased the CPR Aquatic "BAK PAK" that is supposed to be good up to 60 gallons. The thing was so simple to hook up I actually made it hard; expecting there to be more; and looking for it. Within an hour I had tons of foam and crappy water collecting in the cup. I do not notice any noise from it, and it is stylish!
"Nemo" is doing very well (see pictures at link below). Although the water is still far from ideal, he was swimming against the current today. It was actually pretty hilarious. I put food in it and he swam opposite the pump. In other words the pump blew his food around the tank and straight into his mouth while he was swimming against the current.
I think I finally have my tank exactly the way I want it. I do not think it needs any more equipment, though I have yet to see how cool the temperature goes tonight. I may have to REaquire my heater that I brought back (MH light was creating a lot of heat in the water). It seems my water has settled at about 78.9 Degrees F for the moment. I am sure this will go down tonight, but how much is what I will be looking for.
Water tests can be seen at


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dutchswan
Day 20 Notes: After doing my water tests I added a protein skimmer that hangs off the back of the tank (photos can be seen at the link below). I purchased the CPR Aquatic "BAK PAK" that is supposed to be good up to 60 gallons. The thing was so simple to hook up I actually made it hard; expecting there to be more; and looking for it. Within an hour I had tons of foam and crappy water collecting in the cup. I do not notice any noise from it, and it is stylish!
"Nemo" is doing very well (see pictures at link below). Although the water is still far from ideal, he was swimming against the current today. It was actually pretty hilarious. I put food in it and he swam opposite the pump. In other words the pump blew his food around the tank and straight into his mouth while he was swimming against the current.
I think I finally have my tank exactly the way I want it. I do not think it needs any more equipment, though I have yet to see how cool the temperature goes tonight. I may have to REaquire my heater that I brought back (MH light was creating a lot of heat in the water). It seems my water has settled at about 78.9 Degrees F for the moment. I am sure this will go down tonight, but how much is what I will be looking for.
Water tests can be seen at

I love these updates, so don't stop.

The foam and crappy water being removed is fantastic. Watch close because if too much crappy water is removed it will lower your SG...what you want is foam not much water removal.


Originally Posted by Flower

I love these updates, so don't stop.

The foam and crappy water being removed is fantastic. Watch close because if too much crappy water is removed it will lower your SG...what you want is foam not much water removal.
Forgive my is too early still for acronyms (what is SG?)
The first cup filled almost all the way up in a couple of hours. I emptied it before going to bed and in the morning there was only about a 1/4" to 1/2" of fluid in the cup.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by twood
SG = Specific Gravity (a measurement of the amount of salt in water)

If your skimmer draws out allot of water with the scum it will lower your SG because to top off is with RO freshwater. That happened to me, the auto top off unit kept refilling the tank with RO freshwater and the skimmer was drawing out saltwater. My skimmer has a tube that leads to a collection jug much larger than the cup and I was at work when it happened. The jug was over full and leaking all over the floor…the Top off container was empty, only a 10g tank thank goodness.
So I was just giving you a heads up. The cup being only 1/4 to 1/2 full doesn't sound like that kind of problem.