dead banggai


I bought a pair of banggai cardinalfish from my lfg. One died two days later and the other in 9 days. My water parameters are no3=0,no2=0,ammonia=0, ph=8.0 and specific gravity= 1.023 and water temp = 78.5. Tank is 72 bow w 75lbs lr and 40lbs ls. Inhabitants are 1 maroon clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 scooter blenny,5 yellow tail damsels, 2 feather dusters, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 banded serpent star ,and one haitian anenome. Also have some hermits and snails. The anenome is thriving. He looks better in my tank than at the lfg tank. Water circulation is about 1,300gph. I saw the star engulfing the remains of the second banggai at night. The lfg said it happens. I think the water quality is really good because of the anenome doing so well. I also a protein skimmer going. I'm afraid to by any other fish. :help: What do you think could be possible problems.


Originally Posted by amadent
I bought a pair of banggai cardinalfish from my lfg. One died two days later and the other in 9 days. My water parameters are no3=0,no2=0,ammonia=0, ph=8.0 and specific gravity= 1.023 and water temp = 78.5. Tank is 72 bow w 75lbs lr and 40lbs ls. Inhabitants are 1 maroon clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 scooter blenny,5 yellow tail damsels, 2 feather dusters, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 banded serpent star ,and one haitian anenome. Also have some hermits and snails. The anenome is thriving. He looks better in my tank than at the lfg tank. Water circulation is about 1,300gph. I saw the star engulfing the remains of the second banggai at night. The lfg said it happens. I think the water quality is really good because of the anenome doing so well. I also a protein skimmer going. I'm afraid to by any other fish. :help: What do you think could be possible problems.

They can sometimes be hard to feed if they are from the wild. This is from Lion_Crazz's list of fish to avoid in the archives:
-Banggai Cardinalfish/Neon Gobies These are two species that can potentially do very poorly in the home aqurium, depending on the specimen you choose. Banggai cardinalfish often ship poorly, and do not ever begin eating at the LFS. The good thing is that this fish is easily bred in captivity and tank-bred cardinals do excellently. Neon gobies are the same way. Ocean-caught neon gobies do very poorly, but because they breed so often, tank-bred ones are much more common than wild-caught. Make sure that you get tank-bred neon gobies, and not wild-caught.


thanks for the info. They seemed to eat but I could be wrong. Am I correct about the anenome a good judge of water conditions???.

d0 thy d3w

nope..not even anenomie can probably live weeks to several months in horrible water conditions..but it will be slooooooowwwwwwlllyyyyy dying...u should still be doing regular water changes and testing on a regular basis!


Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
nope..not even anenomie can probably live weeks to several months in horrible water conditions..but it will be slooooooowwwwwwlllyyyyy dying...u should still be doing regular water changes and testing on a regular basis!
What are you talking about? Did I miss something? All of his readings are zero.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by amadent
thanks for the info. Am I correct about the anenome a good judge of water conditions???.
it was this that i read..and made my comment about...and i answered to the best of my knowledge..whish told back when i started SW for my very fisrt time i collected all of my livestock...(a couple anenomies and a couple small crabs) from the puget sound..which was a no tank wasnt cycled yet..and i new nothing about SW anenomies lived longer than the crabs did!!!! i also had regular low powered flourescent lights on!! heres the sad part...theyw ere a cold water a tank kept around 79-80degress..and they lived..and even opened and moved around a bit for a few wasnt until i had a visit at the lfs taht i learned what i was doing was horribly wrong..the guy at the lfs told me to ditch everything and start i ddi..and here i am now..keeping a healthy tank and learning new things every day from this board!! and pretty sure it was you who helped me out on a question i had about hypo thanks again!


do you think it's a nessesity to think about getting rid of the damsels? I mean notto kill them, but take them to my lfg.


Active Member
Yes, I would take them to a lfs and get some credit towards banji's. Your water seems fine, and your other fish are do so well, i really think these guys are your problem, and will continue to be even more so when you add any new fish. Acclaimate the new ones for a couple of hrs and keep the lights off for a day if you can, they are nocturnal fish.

bang guy

This is becomming normal for wild caught Banggai.
My suggestion is to look for aquacultured Banggai. If they are not available then my best recommendation is to choose a different species like a PJ Cardinal or Flame Cardinal.


bang guy, They (cardinals ) stayed in the left back part of the tank. Seems maybe that the yellow tails ruled the lr?


Active Member
wild caught banjais are known for not doing well in a home aquarium they are known to be hearty at some cases hobbiest have gotten lucky with this species and have ended up with breeding pairs now the young from these pairs tend to be much hardier than any wild caught these are often available for sale by fellow hobbiest and LFS if you wish to continue keeping this species keep an eye out for some captive bred cardenals .