Dead BTA anemone


New Member
Went away for the weekend and my new BTA got sucked into the pump. I don't know if that is what killed him or if he was already dead when he got sucked up. My problem is my tanks is all cloudy now and there are pieces of him all over the place. I have removed as many pieces as i can and did a 50% water change, but it is still cloudy. Is this anemone poisoning? Are the rest of my tank mates in trouble - I have 2 perc clowns and a bicolor blenny. I also added two ricordea polyps and a mushroom fuzzy grass just a few days ago. I have a 30 gal tank established for 2 years now. Is there anything else I can do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Roxys655
Went away for the weekend and my new BTA got sucked into the pump. I don't know if that is what killed him or if he was already dead when he got sucked up. My problem is my tanks is all cloudy now and there are pieces of him all over the place. I have removed as many pieces as i can and did a 50% water change, but it is still cloudy. Is this anemone poisoning? Are the rest of my tank mates in trouble - I have 2 perc clowns and a bicolor blenny. I also added two ricordea polyps and a mushroom fuzzy grass just a few days ago. I have a 30 gal tank established for 2 years now. Is there anything else I can do?
After you get it cleaned up with water changes and running carbon, Ensure you put those foam covers over the intakes of the power heads when you have an anemone in there. Horrible lesson but maybe you saved 10 people on here.


New Member
Originally Posted by Roxys655
Went away for the weekend and my new BTA got sucked into the pump. I don't know if that is what killed him or if he was already dead when he got sucked up. My problem is my tanks is all cloudy now and there are pieces of him all over the place. I have removed as many pieces as i can and did a 50% water change, but it is still cloudy. Is this anemone poisoning? Are the rest of my tank mates in trouble - I have 2 perc clowns and a bicolor blenny. I also added two ricordea polyps and a mushroom fuzzy grass just a few days ago. I have a 30 gal tank established for 2 years now. Is there anything else I can do?

If i were you i'd do a bigger percentage water change. that happened to me overnight and the tank got cloudy. Lost our blue tang and almost lost both of our black clowns. If you have another tank maybe put them there in an isolated area for awhile.


Fresh carbon and change after 24 hours....then
fresh carbon change after 48 hours....also
at least a 30% water change using well aerated saltwater that has been mixed at lest 24 hours....then
I would also run a polyfilter, if you don't know what a polyfilter is then you should look it up and get several to have in case of emergancies.


New Member
Thank you everyone for your help. I did change the carbon filters immediately and cleaned out both pumps. It's not as cloudy this morning but i'm doing another water change tonight. Should I raise the salinity a little bit until this crisis passes - i keep it at 1.021?


1.021 is VERY LOW. you should raise it, natural seawater is closer to 1.025. i keep my tank closer to 1.026. some people will tell you that is to high do a seach here and some other boards (reef central)and you will see.
that might be one of the reasons why your bta decide to "float" around your tank


New Member
I just experience the exact same with RBTA. After getting up, after working the night shift, I turned my lights on in the tank. My RBTA that I had for 6 months was stuck to the filter.
After freaking out, my husband tried to save it with no luck.
When I returned home from work today we are going to do a water change, and change the filters, and clean the sump.
Thank you for the post and advice.