Dead Chromis


Hello, Tonite I came home from work and one of my green chromis was dead. Some things I noticed for a couple of days were the other chromis would not let him eat . I thought these were non aggressive fish, Another thing I noticed was the fish that died seemed like he couldn't close his mouth fully shut.Could something be caught in his mouth? tested water and results were fine.


I've heard, but have not experienced, that chromis will slowly pick off each member of the school until there are only a few left. I have 3 and they are actually the first fish I ever got. They leave each other and everyone else alone. They have survived a lot. My little soldier fish.

How old is your tank? How many chromis do you have?


The problem with Chromis is that they are an open water fish like Anthias and are extremely competitive with food. If they feel that they are not getting enough they will start clipping eachother with the weakest one first. They eat all day in the wild, not just at feeding time so they get a little stressed out if they feel like they are not getting their fair share.
They say that you are supposed to buy them in odd pairs like 3,5, or 7. I had 3 and the two bigger ones killed the smallest one first after a few weeks and they would never let him eat. And then the other two chased eachother around all the time. I think my maroon clown got tired of their antics though because they both dissapeared shortly after that.