Dead Cleaner Shrimp-what happened??


I am at a lost here. I purchased a pretty big cleaner shrimp from my LFS around lunchtime on a Saturday. 3 hrs later, it is belly up!!!! :notsure: What happened? I tested my water and everything was great! It wasn't eaten or damaged or anything. I floated the bag like I was supposed to. I don't think any of my fish did anything, but just in case, here's my stock:
CB Angelfish
2 B& W clownfish
2 Bartlett Anthias
Royal Gramma
I took him back to the LFS and they said they wouldn't refund my money! I've been using them as my only store (even though there are 2 other LFS in my area) I even got my entire set up from them-it's a small mom & pop store and i can't believe they would do that to a really good regular customer! Needeless to say, I'll be frequenting the other LFS for now on....
<gettting off soapbox now> So, any clues as to why my shrimp went belly up in record time?


Active Member
You say you floated the bag. Did you gradually introduce tank water in to the bag before releasing it?
If not, it still could have been acclimation shock.


I had something similar happen to a skunk cleaner, only to find out that IIIII did not acclimate long enough!!! The shrimp was kept in a 1.018 or 19 salinity at the fish store and mine was of course much higher!!
This local store will not refund salt water fish either. All the other fish stores in town who specialize in SALT. . . will refund up to 7 days of purchase.
Sorry for the loss,

bang guy

SDS - Osmotic shock will kill invertebrates faster than poison.
The button over on the left labeled "Acclimation" outlines the proper proceedure to avoid osmotic shock.


I prefer to get smaller or younger specimans so that I know that they are not fully grown, no telling how old your adult shrimp was.


Thanks for everyone's help!!! I appreciate it...I did gradually intro tank water into the bag; but I guess I had everything working against me.



Originally posted by SDS
Thanks for everyone's help!!! I appreciate it...I did gradually intro tank water into the bag; but I guess I had everything working against me.

I hope you didn't do what I did and treated my fish in my display tank long before I came here and learned about a QT tank, now I have copper in my display tank which will not allow me to ever have Inverts ever....

Jackman :happyfish