Dead clown, ammonia spike?


I added a couple of 2" gold-banded maroon clowns to my 125 about 3 days of them is swimming around merrily but the other one is gone......I assume it is dead but I can't find it anywhere.......I have 150 lbs of Bali live rock (looks alot like Marshall) and was wondering if I need to take it out to try to find the dead clown, or should I just leave him in there? I guess what I'm trying to ask is this: will a 2" dead clown cause an ammonia spike in a 125? I've got a 25 gal sump with a 5 gal refugium...the cleanup crew is 6 Peppermint Shrimp, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 15 Jumbo turbo snails, 100 Nassarius Snails, 50 Blue Leg Hermits, and
2 Burgundy Linkia Starfish.


I was just worried about the ammonia spike......since the Bali rock has a TON of holes and branching, he might be hard for anything to find.....but I guess the cleanup crew has a knack for finding stuff to eat, huh?


Active Member
A single clownfish won't make much of an ammonia spike with a cleanup crew like that in a good sized tank. Your tank should be fine from any potential ammonia spike.
I would be more concerned about whether you introduced a disease. Do you quarantine?


Good! I was really thinking I'd have to pull out LR.....

I went back to my LFS today and told them about the probable maroon clown of the guys told me that one of the clowns I bought had been harassed by one of its temporary tankmates, so I think he was just too stressed when I bought him. Would have been good to know that before I bought him though...:notsure:
No, I did not quarantine.....I used to, but about a month ago my 10-gal broke at the bottom, leaked all 10 gallons all over the floor (thank God it's ceramic tile in the fish room!!) and killed a good-sized white-stripe maroon clown. Haven't got another QT to replace it......probably need to purple tang started developing some white spots yesterday even though he's swimming fine and eating very well.....probably will have to QT him......on an ich-related subject, have you ever tried Kick-Ich? I saw it in the LFS today and was wondering about its effectiveness.


Active Member

Originally posted by robn
......on an ich-related subject, have you ever tried Kick-Ich? I saw it in the LFS today and was wondering about its effectiveness.

I have never used it. From what I have read on these boards it is very hit or miss if it works. The only reliable treatments for ich are hyposalinity and copper.


Thank you....
Is it best to QT just the sick fish or everyone, and how would that be practical? Would a freshwater and garlic dip help any?