I added a couple of 2" gold-banded maroon clowns to my 125 about 3 days of them is swimming around merrily but the other one is gone......I assume it is dead but I can't find it anywhere.......I have 150 lbs of Bali live rock (looks alot like Marshall) and was wondering if I need to take it out to try to find the dead clown, or should I just leave him in there? I guess what I'm trying to ask is this: will a 2" dead clown cause an ammonia spike in a 125? I've got a 25 gal sump with a 5 gal refugium...the cleanup crew is 6 Peppermint Shrimp, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 15 Jumbo turbo snails, 100 Nassarius Snails, 50 Blue Leg Hermits, and
2 Burgundy Linkia Starfish.
2 Burgundy Linkia Starfish.