Dead Coral or Just Sucked in realy far (im new to corals)


Ok I am realy new to corals i have a 180 and i just added some 250 mh's to my tank 3 weeks ago so i decided last week to add some corals. I got a frog spawn and a grape hammer coral i think. I added them to my tank about a week to a week and a half ago and after a day they started to open up realy realy nice id say twice the size they were in the store. Well yesterday i noticed they were pulled in like when i 1st added them so i thought maybe it was just cuz the lights had gone off (there on a timer) today i can see the ridges of the skeleton my lights havent come on yet so i cant see down in there good but do they pull in that much at times? Or are they dead?


What fish do you have in your tank. if you can see the skeleton, it sounds like someone had a tasty snack while you weren't looking


ok quick update my blue lights just came on and i can see some green glowning in ther and the frog spawn looks like its got a couple realy fine hair like things coming out of it. Fish wise i have 2 clowns 1 damsel (blue w/yellow tail) 2 green chromis and friday i just added a powder blue tang.


I have hammer coral and it retracts when there is 2 much flow over it.. So maybe less flow is your answer?


looks like its the powder blue tang i got friday came home tonight hes niping at a coral skeleton and ive got a shreded linkia stuck to my glass