Dead crab or molting?


I looked in my tank today and found a group of crab legs. Not sure if it molted or not. Anyone have a picture of what it looks like when they molt? Couldn't find his shell. He has been hiding lately.


Thank god! I thought he died. So far I haven't killed anyone. It really freaked me out. I did read about molting so I was praying it was so.....
Thanks I can breathe now.


Active Member
They look like... well... crabs taht aren't moving...
Yeah, what you saw sounds like a molt. They hide when they're molting and after, its when they're most vulnerable.
I wouldn't worry picking out the legs, either. If you have a CUC, something will eat them.


Hermits - leaves peices everywhere!
Horseshoes - Molt is complete and does look like a dead crab!
Sallylightfoot - Are also complete!
After molting the crab will hide alot until the new shell hardens up!
Hope that helps! These answers are based on my tank!


He's baaaaaack! I saw him crawling on the rocks today out in the open. He looks good. He still has the same shell.
Kind of neat isn't it?
Typically most molters will go into hiding for a while because the new skin/shell hasn't hardened after the molt. It's pretty much like picking a scab off of a cut on your arm. The scab is hard, but underneath it's soft and easy to hurt again.