Dead Emerald Crab


Active Member
This sucks. I just bought an emerald crab yesterday and today it died. I found him dead on the sand. I acclimated him the same way as the first one. He was a little discolored. His body was white and his legs were green. Its going back to the LFS tomm.


Active Member
I hope this is right, but that sounds like a molt to me. My little EC did the same thing earlier this week and scared me...but he's out and fine and eating like crazy...also greener than I've ever seem him. I'm now waiting for my bigger one to do the same...same discoloration, etc. Keep us posted.
Lisa :happyfish


youre going to be embarrassed if you tank him back and it was a molt. the first time my sally light foot molted i thought he was dead and freaked out. then i realized what had happend and put him on my bathroom counter, and told my gf i thought it escaped
she was mad when she went to the bathroom :D


Active Member
First one is still alive. He got BIG. This one isnt moving at all. Hes like dead i dunno. I took him out and i have him in a bag with water from my tank. Should i put him back in?? Also there was absolutely no movement from him.


What they were saying is that you may have the outer shell of your emerald crab in that bag. When they molt, the shell they leave behind looks exactly like them, so a lot of times people mistake it for being the actual crab and assume it died. Your alive emerald crab could be in your tank still, and just hiding.


mine played dead for 8 hours then molted...Give him a day in your tank before throwing in the towel!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kendall
mine played dead for 8 hours then molted...Give him a day in your tank before throwing in the towel!
Too late! i waited and there was no movement so i took him out. what a shame.