Dead fire shrimp?


My fire shrimp started acting weird after his molt Friday and my clown started picking on him. I just found him dead in the back of the tankwedged behind the live rock. Do i have to remove the lr and get him out or can i let the hermits eat him. He was kinda big about2' and its a 36g tank

rabid frog

Active Member
I would try to remove him if it is not too much trouble to move the lr. Yes the hermitts will eat him, but I dont know if he would cause a big amonia spike if they did not do it fast enough.


Active Member
hermits will take care of it. There is not much skeloton matter to a fire shrimp. Has anyone had success with firw shrimp. I bought 2 and they"dissappeared w/in days. I then bought cleaner shrimp and they have been doing great.


this fire shrimp was my 3rd. the 1st 2 died real quick but i had this 1 for like 7 months. He was really a cool shrimp and loved cleaning my blue tang and basselet


Active Member
I had a cleaner and fire die because my calcium wasn't righ after they molted. I left them in because it would to hard for me to get them out...I also have close to 100hermits in my 95, noticed no ammonia or nitrite or anything after they died. The crew cleaned em up in an hour or so. I now have a new shrimp which is alive and kickin