Dead Fish due to ich


New Member
Does ich kill fish fast? When I saw my fish with ich then the next day my fish died. Can an UV kill ich? Is there an UV that fits to small 30g tank?


Active Member
Ich can kill fish if their immune system is low. If your water quality is bad, the fish is stressed, or if the fish does not have a good diet, then yes, ich will kill your fish.
Can you list your water parameters please? We need to know ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temp.
What kind of fish was it?
How long did you have it?


I have a tomato clown fish for only 3 days. I tested the water very often and saw the same for everyt ime. pH = 8, Nitrite = 0, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate =5, Salinity = 1.023, temp = 80


Active Member
Originally Posted by molly05
I have a tomato clown fish for only 3 days. I tested the water very often and saw the same for everyt ime. pH = 8, Nitrite = 0, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate =5, Salinity = 1.023, temp = 80
What? :notsure:


New Member
My water parameters are same to Molly05. But I put many kinds of fish in and they only last for 3 days. I had damsels, clown tomato, and butterfly. The butterfly lasted about 1 week.


New Member
I floated the bag in the tank from 20 to 30 min, then opened the bag and filled with 1 cup of water inside the tank. Waited for 5 min then filled another cup. Did that until the bag full. Dumped half of the water then repeated adding 1 cup at a time until it fulled again. Net and release the fish into the tank. I never test alkanity. Is it important? I thought ammonia is a most dangerous .


Active Member
Ammonia is the most toxic level, but you always need to be testing pH, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature, and salinity. Alkalinity is very important because it tells you that your pH is stable.
This acclimation may be stressing your fish out. I would always recommend doing a drip acclimation for a good 2 hours when you get a new fish.