Dead Fish


This is a new(er) SW set up. Although I read on this site I should have used a piece of shrimp to start the cycle, it was after I had already purchased 5 "starter" fish.
NO3 - 0
NO2 - 0
Alk - "High"
Ph - 8.6
Amonia - 0
the Alk and Ph are corrected by water changes (I think). Is everything else ok?
Should I leave the dead fish in the tank for a few days? I have no clean-up crew (yet).
btw..75 gal, 80lbs LR, no substrate. emperor filter and one power head ( I don't recall what the gal/hr rate is for the filter and power head)


one of the five have died. The remaining 4 look fine and are eating well. The tank was completely scrubbed down (rocks and all) around 8 days ago.


Active Member
Do you mean you filled the tank up and put fish in 8 days ago? If the fish are damsels I would remove the dead one. The remaining fish will produce enough fast to get the cycle going. If it is already cycled(still need to know age of current setup) then definately remove the fish.HTH