Dead Hippo Tang

big trigger

New Member
The first two fish I added to my 75gal RT i blacked striped clown and i hippo tang. Both small. They got along just fine. After 2 days the tang stopped eating and started growing a white substance near his one eye. The next day the tang was hanging near the bottom of the the tank behind live rock and stayed there for 4 days. This morning I found him dead. The white stuff was around both eyes. The clown is doing fine, eating and swimming away. My question is, is this normal to happen sometimes? ALL of my levels are fine. PH 8.4, No Ammonia, Nitrite 0.25 and Nitrate between 20 / 40 PPM.
I understand sometimes that the fish will just die. Maybe he was too small? I would like to add another fish to the black stripped clown. Another clown or maybe a small yellow tang? Any thoughts would be very helpfull.
Thank You


New Member

Originally posted by Big Trigger:
The first two fish I added to my 75gal RT i blacked striped clown and i hippo tang. Both small. They got along just fine. After 2 days the tang stopped eating and started growing a white substance near his one eye. The next day the tang was hanging near the bottom of the the tank behind live rock and stayed there for 4 days. This morning I found him dead. The white stuff was around both eyes. The clown is doing fine, eating and swimming away. My question is, is this normal to happen sometimes? ALL of my levels are fine. PH 8.4, No Ammonia, Nitrite 0.25 and Nitrate between 20 / 40 PPM.
I understand sometimes that the fish will just die. Maybe he was too small? I would like to add another fish to the black stripped clown. Another clown or maybe a small yellow tang? Any thoughts would be very helpfull.
Thank You

Hi Big Trigger,
I think you will be jsut fine if you say your water reading are OK and the other fish are ok. I suggest a partial water change to be safe. As you said, some fish will just not make it. Always stay on top of it. I have had a reef tank set up for over two years and I just read up on things and obtained great success! Hang in there. I would add another hippo or yellow but make the one you choose about the size of the exsisting fish.
Good Luck!