Originally Posted by
If you are 100% sure that none of the above was done then this is what you need to do to be able to use the rock.
First buy a jug of bleach be sure its strait bleach not the type with lemon or any other softeners added.
You will also need a jug of white vinegar and a large bottle of water conditioner be sure it says it removes chlorine on the bottle.
Now fill up a container that will hold all the rock with water and add half the jug of bleach to the water.
Let your rock soak for a few days ( some use a shorter time but its best not to rush anything in this hobby)
Now remove rock and place in fresh water and add some chlorine remover to water. Let soak for min 12hrs. I just waited till the next day 24hrs.
repeat this one more time to get most of the bleach out.
Now fill container with fresh water and add the vinegar at least half the bottle or more and let soak a min 24hrs two days would be even better.
Now do the fresh water soaks using the water conditioner each time like you did earlier. keep doing this until you no longer smell any bleach. your final soak should be in RO water as tap water is full of contaminants that will cause hair algae. You can get it at the drug store or some grocery stores be sure it RO not just spring water. Your rock is now good to use but you will have to buy some live rock to seed it.
I'm agreeing with rick.