dead naso


New Member
SO SAD! My first fish and it is dead within 24 hours. Any ideas?
Naso tang, ph 8.2 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20 salinity 1.023 temp 78
Was swimming around yesterday after I put him in the tank and then today he just laid down on the bottom like he wasn't getting enough air. How can I tell if my aerators are enough? 100 lbs live rock, live sand 2 emperor 400 with biowheel and 2 aerators
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
If there is good movement on the water surface, then you should be OK with oxygen.
How long after you added it did you notice trouble? How did you acclimate? Did you get it locally or was it shipped to you?


New Member
Acclimated 3 hours, I set bag in tank and slowly added my tank water a little at a time and then I netted him, careful not to get any store water in there. He started showing signs of distress about 18 hours after introduction. When my husband came home just now he checked the tank and said the powerheads were not on. The filters have been on for sure the whole time. Could the powerheads being off cause death in that time frame? I haven't messed with them since I put him in the tank so they must have be off from the git go.


Active Member
Hard to say...some fish just don't acclimate well. Sorry your fish died.

It sucks when they die especially if you don't understand why.


Active Member
I doubt the powerheads being off affected him. Did you see him eat at the lfs? Naso tangs are not easy fish. Maybe you should wait a couple weeks and try something easier like a couple clowns.


Just some advice if you do do some easier fish, don't do a damsel unless you are doing an agressive setup. I have two big ones now and I would like to dive in the tank after them. Within the next couple of weeks I am going to break my rock work down and net those terds and give them back to the LFS that sold them to me saying how hardy and peaceful they are, MY BUTT! My suggestion is to follow an earlier post and go with a pair of clown, much more personality(sp).
Good Luck


I've got a Blond Naso Tang.... eats like a horse. I have read that the Naso Tang requires an oxygen rich environment, so make sure you have lots of surface agitation. Sorry for your loss.


New Member
Hey thanks everybody! Well to answer some questions, yes my tank is new it has only been cycled for about 2 weeks. And yes I do use a swing needle. Someone posted that the netting may also have stressed him, Is there a better way to get the fish out of the bag? Maybe I'll just be happy with my clean-up crew(lol)
I just can't take fish dying.

bang guy

It's difficult to get a tank stabilized in two week. You really need to start with a very hardy fish at first.
I'd suggest waiting another couple/few weeks before trying another fish. Feed the tank as if you had a small fish in there to build up the bacteria population to prepare for the first fish. Keep those powerheads on, they are crucial for the filtration system (the rocks).

Originally posted by skakja
Hey thanks everybody! Well to answer some questions, yes my tank is new it has only been cycled for about 2 weeks. And yes I do use a swing needle. Someone posted that the netting may also have stressed him, Is there a better way to get the fish out of the bag? Maybe I'll just be happy with my clean-up crew(lol)
I just can't take fish dying.

You can put in a few damsels to help build the essentials for yor tank they are alright looking, strong, and cheap but don't get more than a few because they tend to be agressive

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by skakja
My first fish
Naso tang

hard to keep fish, expert only regardless of what the book or lfs says.

dave flood

I feel for you, I've had 2 naso's before this one, they just didn't eat. Ive had this one about 1 1/2 yrs now. You really need an established tank with LR for them to graze on.


Active Member
I agree with most everything above. You do have to have a well established system and research these fish. They are hardy when in the right environment and their special needs are met in the way of algae and grazing material etc. I have a wonderful blonde naso. I'm sorry you lost your fish and I'm sorry an lfs sold you one when your tank was so new. Where are you in Oklahoma? I'm wondering what lfs sold you that fish.


I got a naso for my first fish about a month ago. But i have alot of rock for him to graze on. I love my LFS because they run copper in there tanks so will deff help with ick or any other disease. But i have to be careful not to put there water in my tank because of the copper. My naso is doing great he is real small now and i will be either getting a 125 or giving him to my buddy in a little bit. I have him in a 60 which is to small. After reading i decide to do whats best for him. Although in the mean time he is very happy in my tank. He is also a pig. Every time i walk over to the tank he goes to the top and says feed me feed me. THey also have a gerat personality. Him and my percula clown swin side by side all day long. Wish i had a pic. IM not sure why yours died they are appose to be real hardy fish. What kind of store did you get him from. THe store i deal with is about 75% marine so they are mostly marine. There store is on the money. Also did you watch him eat before you bought him. There was about 3 little nasos they had and i got the one that when you put your finger in the tank he swoops over to it. GOOD HEALTHY NASO! Make sure you watch them eat before you buy them. MY store wont even let me buy them if they arent eating right or they just got them in.