Dead or new head?


New Member
How can you tell if a feather duster has just lost its head or is really dead?
I was out of town for 5 days and a petsitter took care of everything. All looks great in the tank but - since I returned 3 days ago I haven't seen my one feather duster out of its tube.
150 gallon SW tank, 2 feather dusters, 2 peppermint shrimp, s clowns, 2 yellow-tailed damsels, 1 yellow tang, 1 lavendar tang, 1 pulsing xenia, 1 mushroom, 2 zoanthus


Active Member
Feather dusters will throw their "crown" whenever they are stressed. Poor water quality, frequent sudden changes in lighting, and something picking on them will all cause this to happen. you should see the lose crown in the tank if nothing's gotten to oit yet. Otherwise, you can also lightly hold the sand tube that the feather duster lives in, and see if you feel any movement.


New Member
Since I was gone for a few days I thought the shrimp might have gotten the crown.
I try holding the parchment and see if there is any movement