dead peppermint shrimp


i got a pepperment shrimp today and temp acclimated it and just found it dead a few hours after putting it in my tank
my water levels were fine 7.8 ph 0 amm 0 trite 0 trate
should i take the body out or leave it for rhe clean up crew?
the cleaning crew consists of 3 snails and 5 hermits


Active Member
I would take it out, it could cause your ammonia to go up if you don't. You should probably have drip acclimated it instead of temp acclimating, inverts tend to be very sensitive to changes.
Yes, take it out and check your water. PH 7.8 sounds a bit low for having inverts, check your SG as well and make sure it is at least 1.025 minuimum. What part of New mexico are you at? I am up in Farmington, only decent LFS is up in Durango :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marine Fanatic
Yes, take it out and check your water. PH 7.8 sounds a bit low for having inverts, check your SG as well and make sure it is at least 1.025 minuimum. What part of New mexico are you at? I am up in Farmington, only decent LFS is up in Durango :(
inverts need 1.023 min


New Member
You are such an amateur. You have 1 chance to do it right. It was obvious by looking at your tank that you were clueless. You can'rt keep everything captured. Your option..


Active Member
Hey Joebob....I agree with needing to drip acclimate, and raise your SG an your pH....What 'how to' books do you have?
Don't mind Sorensen--NOT a good way to join the boards.


Active Member
Please raise your salinity SLOWLY. It will be very harmful to your tank inhabitants if you start adding salt to the water. The best way to do it is to start doing top offs with saltwater instead of fresh water until your salinity hits the right level.


yeah my salt level has been low and i have been putting in SWinstead of FW
im not sure how accurate my hydrometer is so ill get my water tested at my LFS the hydrometer says its at 1.022 right now
the only book i have only tells how to set up the tank not how to really keep it
also the LFS guy said that the shrimp didnt really need drip acclimation just temp


Active Member
The LFS guy is very wrong about the need to only temp acclimate shrimp. In fact, I think they're among the more sensitive animals and definitely need drip acclimation, for at least a good couple of hours. They can't handle big salinity fluctuations.
Spring for a good salinity refractometer. You can get one here for under $40.
Among other things, you'll be able to check your progress during drip acclimation to know when it's okay to move your animals over to your tank.