Dead Rock


I have had a piece of rock out by the pond for a couple yrs now after we had to take down our last tank (tank broke while on vaca. what a nice smell to come home to! ) now i have restarted a new tank !
what should i do to that rock to make sure it safe to put in new tank ?? I power washed it with hot water, NO soaps or cleaners were used what else needs to be done ???


id say take boiling hot water, and pour it on the rock in a container and let it sit for awhile and then remove it, this will ensure everything on it is dead.


Hot water is good, But I would also cure it in a plastic tub for few weeks before you put it in your tank. Make sure you have a power head and maybe even a heater in it.

scopus tang

Active Member
Personally, I'd skip the boiling or in addition to it, soak it in a 10% bleach solution for 24 hours, then rinse twice over 48 hours in a container of pure water. JMO.