Dead Sand


my tank is been running for 1 yr with 4 inches deep sand (plenum). now i added about 30 pounds live sand again to my tank. funny thing happen to my coral: elegence, mushroom, and polpys.after i add sand to my tank. they not open fully now. my elegence like to close so much during the lights on, and my polyp only open half of the stone area..
what i do wrong????
i check my water parameter, they all still the same as before i added sand. they been acting like this now almost 2 weeks now.
pls help me with some imput.
the tank is 55 gallon tank with 2 175 MH and 220 PC. i have 110 pds liverock, MTC skimmer, cpr skimmer, and K2R calcium reactor.
pls help me


Active Member
Since nobody else is repleying I guess I will. Did you add the sand slowly over a period of time or did you just add it all at once. Also if your tank was cloudy after you added the sand this may have stressed the polyps (that is if polyps can get stressed). Just a guess.


I wish I could help, but I am actually curious about this myself. My tank has been running for about 2 months, and I was planning on adding an additional 15-20 lbs. of live sand. I don't want it to mess things up though.


sand may have gotten on your polyps and corals and can irritate them. you can take a turkey baster and try blowing it off and see how that works. the finer particles may be what irritating them


Active Member
Yeah i would have to agree with karla. sand does have an irritating effect on coral, clams, and other stationary inverts. Just blow them off and hopefully they will be fine. When i had to add more sand to my tank i would fill a cup with about half sand hand half tank water, submerge the cup and then begin sprinkling the sand slowly over teh areas that needed extra. This IME has worked better than anything else!
good luck


that what i do to my tank. i add the sand with a cup and submerge the cup slowly to the tank.
the tank is cloudy for about 4 hours after that is clear again.
here the tank look like before i add sand
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


that what i do to my tank. i add the sand with a cup and submerge the cup slowly to the tank.
the tank is cloudy for about 4 hours after that is clear again.
here the tank look like before i add sand
<a href="" target="_blank">YusaTank</a>


New Member
I know when I start moving things around in my tank and start kicking up stuff, my mushrooms close up. I'd use the turkey baster and GENTLY clean them off...too vigourous with the cleaning and you could do some damage that will take longer to repair. My mushrooms all rebounded and are fine now - I also use Reef DNA by Marc Weiss, an additive that supposedly helps the corals grow. I don't know if that helped them recover any faster, but they are getting huge now and have fragmented several times. HTH