dead starfish?


New Member
How do I know when my starfish dies? I purchased my second chocolate chip two days ago and it still hasn't moved. I have picked it up and it is still stiff but when i flip him over his stomach is hanging out and even after hours it still does not retract. my heniocous is starting to peck at him today and he doesn't peck at the other one. i also have not seen any of his suction cups moving.......

sinner's girl

I'm not sure with cc stars...I know I had one die years ago, but I really don't remember. Is he sticking the glass? or just laying somewhere...
how did you acclimate him? how old is your tank? what are your water levels? (looking for reasons he died if he's dead.)
fyi, some stars (and other inverts) won't move when first introduced to a new tank. if the clean up crew is picking on him, and he's not moving away...then he might be dead...
but I'm not 100% sure...


Active Member
Some stars also push their stomaches out to eat. Stars generally fall apart or look like they're melting when they die, but like Sinner, I'm not positive about CC stars.


Active Member
Well, the fact that the fish is picking at it is not good.
Put the star on its back, and see if there is any sign of movement.

mr. crabs

New Member
One of my starfish has died before. It turned upside down and staterd to disinagrate and fall apart. I stiil miss it.