Dead Turbo Snails


I was wondering if anyone could tell me why my turbo snails are dying. I’ve bought 15 snails about 4 months ago and since then I have lost about five of them. My hermit crabs enjoy feasting on them however and they are getting bigger and moving into their shells.
So I was just wondering if this is normal for turbo’s to die or do I have other problems.


My nitrates reading is .1.
Nothing else is dying.
No I've never tried copper, what does that do?
I use tap water.


Could be something in the tap water... those guys are pretty sensitive.
Also, are they falling off the glass? Turbo's can not right themselves when they fall so they will starve to death if you don't intervene.
If that is the case try slowly raising your salinity... that helped keep mine on the glass.


Yes I have noticed that sometimes they fall off the glass during the day and if I see them before the crabs do then I will put them close to the glass. Sometimes the crabs get to them before I do.
I've also increased my S.G. on my last water change.
Thanks for the info everyone!!!:)


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by coralwolf
My nitrates reading is .1.
Nothing else is dying.
No I've never tried copper, what does that do?
I use tap water.

betch your tap water is fine. hermits will kill turbo snales to get their shells. Do you have a selection of shells for the hermits to choos from other than the turbos?


Active Member
another thought is, do you have enough algae for them to eat, many times they make short work of the algae in the tank then they starve to death.


No I don't have any other shells for them but I will soon get some as they are getting large.
Do you know how big hermits can get?