Dead yellow polyp?

jonny bolt

Not sure if this is in the right forum.......but I got a SPS package at the end of last Winter, and it included a yellow polyp rock, 2 different mushroom rocks, and a Christmas tree coral. Upon receiving them, I acclimated them to my friends tank because I was still in the process of starting my tank and cycling it. They all did well in his tank, and thrived. About a month later, I moved them to my house, and about a week later, the Christmas Tree coral crapped its bed. Afew weeks after that, all the yellow polyps disappeared, never to return again. The 2 different rocks with shrooms on em have done fine every since. I tried moving the polyp stone to different spots around the tank, high, low (more light, less light).....right, left, more current, less current, etc. etc. etc., but never had any luck. It's been quite some time now, and my water is great, yet that one rock wont bloom like the others lol.
I guess my main curiousity is.....will, or can, the yellow polyps grow back after after "going away" for so long? TIA


Active Member
You sure that was a SPS package?
Have you tried feeding the yellow polyps? Very tiny pieces of fish/shrimp or whole mysis/brine etc.