deadly aggressive 160 gal.


New Member
how about this for an aggressive tank!
2 snow flake eels
2 niger triggers
huma huma trigger
banded cat shark
saddle back grouper
mantis grouper
and maybe a lion fish


Active Member
Not a good idea to have triggers, especially a humu humu, with a Lion. They can nip at their fins and tails. I'm speaking from experience here. I had a 2.5 inch humu humu kill an 8 inch Volitans Lion.


Active Member
If you like the coloring of the Humu you might be better off with an Assasi. They are a little less psychotic.


Active Member
Quadruple the size of that tank and it might work. lol
Half the fish wont peacefully live together, let alone that most of your selection will outgrow that tank.


Active Member
i think you should add an Architeuthis dux. aka the giant squid. that would make for a nice conversation piece.


New Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
too small for a shark and the trigger will pick the sharks eyes out of his head
i no but 4 some reason my fish still get along and yea i will be moving them to bout a 350 when we move 2 our bigger house in the tank right now i have everything except the saddle back (its 3.5 inches long so its in a smaller tank) and the lion fish and they all get along 4 some strange reason maybe its because they are all well fed thats the only reason i can think of......but when ever i put a small fish in it doesnt last at all! lol i lost 4 damsels, 2 wrasse, and a puffer


New Member
Originally Posted by minibarry6
i no but 4 some reason my fish still get along and yea i will be moving them to bout a 350 when we move 2 our bigger house in the tank right now i have everything except the saddle back (its 3.5 inches long so its in a smaller tank) and the lion fish and they all get along 4 some strange reason maybe its because they are all well fed thats the only reason i can think of......but when ever i put a small fish in it doesnt last at all! lol i lost 4 damsels, 2 wrasse, and a puffer

do u think that they get along because they all grew up 2geather from less than 3 inches for about 1 year


Active Member
so wait a second you already have all that in a 160?? including the shark and trigger??
IMO i dont care if your overstocked..whatever,, but that shark one day will have no eyes and be dead from that trigger! do the right thing and get one or the other out..i would hate to see th e shark die
also people have had fish for years get along then one day out of the blue their all dead! all because of one fish thats known to be mean just looses it and goe son a killign they may be alright for now but not for long!!


New Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
so wait a second you already have all that in a 160?? including the shark and trigger??
IMO i dont care if your overstocked..whatever,, but that shark one day will have no eyes and be dead from that trigger! do the right thing and get one or the other out..i would hate to see th e shark die
also people have had fish for years get along then one day out of the blue their all dead! all because of one fish thats known to be mean just looses it and goe son a killign they may be alright for now but not for long!!

i will have had the shark for 3 years at the end of the month and the trigger for 1 they dont bother each other but you could be rite that 1 day they might just go crazy but i have 3 triggers in there and they all get along


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
also people have had fish for years get along then one day out of the blue their all dead! all because of one fish thats known to be mean just looses it and goe son a killign they may be alright for now but not for long!!
Totally agree, especially with Triggers... Fenner told a story in one of his books of a Queen Trigger that did fine until one day he accidentally chomped on a Damsel while feeding on other stuff... after that, he just turned and killed everyone in the tank.
Triggers are a total Jeckyl and Hyde... they are fine one day then all of a sudden bam... some live their whole lives with no problems... other times... well..


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Triggers are a total Jeckyl and Hyde... they are fine one day then all of a sudden bam... some live their whole lives with no problems... other times... well..
So once they get that fish blood in 'em, it's all over but the crying?


Originally Posted by Isistius
i think you should add an Architeuthis dux. aka the giant squid. that would make for a nice conversation piece.
That would be pretty cool


Active Member
your shark is very underfed if you had him for three years in a 160 gallon and he hasnt outgrown it yet, and thats if you got him as a pup.
my shark already grew 2 inches and it hasnt evan been a year yet!
BTW how bout a pic so we know this is the truth, not that im saying your lying but some unwanted's always lurk around here


New Member
ok i will how do i take the pictures from the camera to the website??
and can i possibly do it from a camera pone because i have a video on my camera pone o the shark lookin for food on the bottom


New Member
also ow long do u think it will take my baby saddle back grouper to go from anout 3 inches to about 5 or 6 so that i can move him into the larger tank?? i want to do it asap but i no that u cant rush him into another tank larger fish


I have a tip for you being that you have some massive fish or anyone else who questions tank size. What ever you have stocked or plan too, take it's max size, and measure it visually to the tank with a measureing tape. Both length wise, and width; it'll give you a good visual of what it'll look like fully grown. Myself personally, I think my Niger will be cramped in my 210 once he's grown out.


go to and upload the picture that site. then copy the code and click the little inage box in the reply box and put the code there.


New Member
the undulated. I have a humu and lion fish together, and they get along fine. The problem is I add an undulated trigger about a month ago, and it fights with everyone but the lion. None of my fish back down from the undulated, and everyone (except the lion and gobies) at one time or another has gotten beaten up. I am currently trying to find a cheap tank strictly for the undulated (he was to good looking a fish and nice price to pass up). My tank has:
1 lg lion fish
1 lg undulated trigger
1 md niger trigger
1 md humu trigger
1 sm clown trigger
1 lg green bird wrasse.
1 md convict tang
1 lg orange shoulder tang
1 md copper banded butterfly
2 engineer gobies