deadly aggressive 160 gal.


New Member
Currently they are all in the 125 gallons (I know that is too much). I also have a 75 and 55 gallon that are not setup yet due to moving. Once the other tanks are setup the undulated and possibly another fish I don't own yet are going in the 55 gallon (fish only tank). The niger, 2 tangs and 2 gobies will go in the 75, and the rest will stay where they are.


55 is too small for an Undulate, same goes for the 75 crew. Nigers hit close to 20" so even a 125 is too small. JMO


New Member
that 55 gallons was the minimum for the undulate and the niger. I would like to get a 300 + gallon tank eventually. The niger is only about 3-4 inches right now, so I think I have some time. I do want to get them into bigger tanks as they grow.


Jeez I'm starting to sound like a tank cop..Lol. There are already enough around so I usually don't harp. I'm glad you want a bigger tank for them they'll need it. Undulates can grow to a foot long and Nigers close to 20" so a 55 would be best served as a QT for them. It's fine they're in there for now, but will you'll want to save your pennies for that 300
Like I said before I think my Niger will be tight in a 210 fully grown.


New Member
I've already spent probably 3 times what I expected to spend when I first got into the hobby, but I like to try and make my tanks as natural an environment as they had or would have in the wild. All the fish I have i've gotten small with the realization that they can get very large and that I will need to upgrade when the time comes.