Deadly LionfisH!?!??!


New Member
This post is in the beginning hobbyist board but somebody mentioned I double it up here as the lionfish experts may be here. The question is Did my Lionfish wipe out my tank :(?
Ok so my lionfish moved really suddenly this morning and when he did it looked like "milk" came off all his fins (and he is a big lion fish). Anyways the milky fluid floated around for a bit and when I came home 3 hours later EVERYTHING was dead including the lion.
Everything includes:
100 hermits,
60 snails,
2 stars,
5 crabs,
Foxface rabbit,
Soldier Fish,
Bird Face Wrasse,
and a few damsels.
Was a 125 gallon tank. Only other notable changes was a UV sterilizer installed 2 days ago. Was it this milky fluid the lion fish made or something else that just decimated my whole tank?


i would say the milky looking stuff was its slime coat as lion fish have the ability to shed there slime coat. i have seen this a couple of times with mine and it has never crashed my tank. maybe what ever made him feel like he must shed his coat caused the problem.


I am always concerned about a tank crash, reason being it could be some sort of electrial current. If 110 is conducted through water it is not only powerful enough to kill all of your fish, but it will also kill anyone who sticks their hand in the tank.
Make sure all power is off prior to sticking your hand in there.
I have never had this happen, but, when you have pumps and powerheads in water it is possible.


lionfish do shed their slime coat and yes it is a mess!
best to have good protein skimmer and power filter going.
you can also use a net and scoop as much out as possible


I agree, the lion was shedding it's cuticle, a sign there may have been a problem, they do this for many reasons, poor water quality, parasites, are just two, chances are it was not the lion.
Did you add the UV sterilizer because of a parasite in the tank?
Any cleaners used around the tank (such as windex)?
Trace your steps, such as any sprays used in the house or on the lawn, any flea spray or powder on the dog or cat.


New Member
Ok.... Well I tested the water and it checked out just fine. I'm glad to know about the slime coat thing I never knew that and it makes me feel comfortable about getting another lion. There is no current, I added the UV sterilizer to eliminate an algae bloom I got 3 weeks ago which never truly fully cleared up. I did a 10 gallon water change that day and my PH was EVER so slightly below the green range on my floaty tester thingy so I added about 1.5X as much salt as I should in my new water to bring it up to speed. It did bring it up EVER so slightly and my starfish is still alive so I don't think it was a PH shock. The water was room temperature. Any other thoughts?


Any other chemicals use on the algae?
some can effect dissolved oxogen levels
so can algae itself. are you overfeeding?
nutrients may be high get protein skimmer going


New Member
I tried Algone before using the UV sterilizer. The Algone packet is still in my cannister filter. I have been feeding a lot but I check my nitrate levels daily when I do and they were still in a safe range. 20ppm approx.