Dealing with Parasites...


New Member
Hi all,
Relatively new here. I read the threads alot but have only just began to post.
Anyway, wanted to know your techniques for dealing with parasites (ie: Ick and the like) in your reef tanks where it is excedingly difficult to capture your fish to transport to hospital tanks.
Me personally, I use skunk cleaner shrimp. I have found that 5 in a 180 gallon reef tank will keep any outbreaks to a minimum.
I know some in our Aquarium club swear by the reef safe additives...but I have found in the past that its a 50/50 chance.
I had an upwelling recently when I added a small wrasse. He spent two weeks in my quarantine tank then was introduced. Somehow, he still had an outbreak but the cleaner shrimp kept him free of spots after the first sign.
I love those little red and white buggers :)
thanks in advance for all replies.
Very Respectfully,


Active Member
your fish got ich after being put in your tank because your tank has ich. supposedly fish can have an immunity to ich after a year, but you gotta stop adding new fish for this to happen. there's a LOT of myths about ich, but best way to deal with ich in a big tank like yours would be to put all your rock and corals into plastic totes and hypo the DT.


New Member
*shrugs* honestly, the cleaner shrimp do a good job at controlling it. a fish every once in a while has a spot but they will quickly go to a cleaning station and get scrubbed.
I figure that if the shrimp are doing the job without having to go crazy with the chemicals..why bother.
anyway, thanks for the thought.


Active Member
the easiest way to catch fish in your dt is to use a number 20 fly fishing hook with the barb filed down, this hook is tiny, about 10 would fit on your pinky finger nail, does not hurt the fish attach hook to thread and bait with mysis, works like a charm


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Now that is an awesome idea.. and I need to get one out of my DT too... Thanks for that.
no problem works like a charm
i usually feed a small amount of mysis to get them interested, then i am on the attack, you will catch fish you dont want to catch, but eventually you'll catch the right one