Dear Coralline MASTERS!!!


Got a question. Will coralline algae grow over that epoxy stuff? The stuff that is green and white in the tube and then you roll it together. If not, can anyone recommend something I can use to hide the HORRIBLE appearance? I am getting a six line wrasse and used three 5 pound pieces of LR to make a little home for him/her.


it while but you need the right parm.
Seeding or scrappings from a old rock (Just put the Rock in the tank)
400-450 cal
approx 10 or 3.5 Alk
mg - a little 1300
Good flow around the tank
good but not bright light( 20k, actinics)


Uhhhhhhh, LOL. I think I have all that. I am running a little over 300 watts on a 55 of PC. My calcium is actually a little bit high (460). I already have, well the live rock that it is holding together. That is just about 90% covered, never seen anything like in my life straight from the store. Then my KH is around 115. Dont know what my mg is though. I know that I have coralline growing on my glass, powerheads, heater and just about every other place. I use one of those coralline boosters also.


It will grow eventually, one of those things that just takes time. My tank has been established fro 2 years with little to none of the coraline algae gorwing on the glass. I started a kalkwasser drip, and now the tank is bloomin with it. I believe that my calcium was just a little low. Yes the alage will grow over the puddy, just takes time.