Death Death Everywhere


I dont know what the toxin could be, I dont use windex or anything like that... simple green cause of the baby being in the house and the dogs... Like I said everyone else is doing great establishing territorys and such. I am going to have to get a new tang though cause the lunare wrasse is starting his crap and they seem to be the only ones that can keep him in line.


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
So i did the big switcharoo. I went from 55gal to 125 and all the parameters looked good. I got the fish out of the small little tank, acclimated them for a few hours in a bucket with a heater and the put them in the new tank and da da they are dropping like flies. So far I have lost my sgt major damsel, my lavender tang, my clown fish, my blue devil damsel, my yellowtail damsel and when I came down this morning the yellow tang is still stressing along with the domino damsel. The Lunar Wrasse, 2 Niger Triggers, 4 stripe damsel, Velvet Damsel, 5 Hermits, are all doing great and accepted food when I gave it to them this morning. I am sad...not because of the loss of livestock due to money, although there was quite a bit invested, or about the time it took to raise them to this size. But because of the loss of personality in the tank. All those fish were different in personality. They did different things, they had routines, they were like little dogs, so happy to see me come up to the tank to watch them, and mainly probably feed them. If feels like I lost family. I thought everyone would be so happy in their new tank with all that room and all that new rock and I guess the trip into the bucket, into the temp tank and back into the bucket in a matter of a week were all to much for them to take.
R.I. P my friends.... and have fun in the big ocean in the sky. You will truly be missed!

Blue Devil
Lavy Tang
Funny guy clown fish
Ole Yellow Tail
Sorry for your loss, How many fish per bucket(how big a bucket) did you acclimate at a time?
You said for a couple hrs acclimation, bigger fish require more O2 and will use it up more rapidly. Suffication could be the stress here and the new tank was just too late for some.
I'm planning to upgrade like this, but was thinking of cycling the bigger tank for 2 weeks, then go tank to tank. But was also thinking of bigger tank in same location, is this why you went to small tank first(what size?). I only acclimate fish for an hour dosing w/ tank water every 15 min after 30mins removing half the water collected in the bucket(3g pail). The extra hour might have done it on older or larger fish w/o circulation. Just some experiences I've run into when the power went out and had bigger fish die or stressed more rapidly and smaller ones survived(before I knew about Peroxide). Again sorry for your loss, You're right never mind the money, the beauty is gone.


Originally Posted by hardcrab67
Sorry for your loss, How many fish per bucket(how big a bucket) did you acclimate at a time?
You said for a couple hrs acclimation, bigger fish require more O2 and will use it up more rapidly. Suffication could be the stress here and the new tank was just too late for some.
I'm planning to upgrade like this, but was thinking of cycling the bigger tank for 2 weeks, then go tank to tank. But was also thinking of bigger tank in same location, is this why you went to small tank first(what size?). I only acclimate fish for an hour dosing w/ tank water every 15 min after 30mins removing half the water collected in the bucket(3g pail). The extra hour might have done it on older or larger fish w/o circulation. Just some experiences I've run into when the power went out and had bigger fish die or stressed more rapidly and smaller ones survived(before I knew about Peroxide). Again sorry for your loss, You're right never mind the money, the beauty is gone.

I think you might have been right about the bucket being too small. I recently added some new fish and inverts and everything is going well. I just thought that I would update you guys on how things are going. I got a new tang last week( convict) and a small cowfish today and replaced my blenny with 2 smaller ones but thats it for a while. I dont want to overdo it. My purple algae must really like the new tank and lights because its spreading pretty good.


Active Member
...I'm so sorry to read about that.
I'm glad you got some new babies, though!
Be sure to keep us posted, kay?


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
...I'm so sorry to read about that.
I'm glad you got some new babies, though!
Be sure to keep us posted, kay?



Originally Posted by ghostiroc
Took water to LFS, they said it was great. I dont remember the exact parameters the temp is good.... maybe it was just the stress of catching everyone? I mean I had to chase some of these guys down. Plus it wouldnt make sense why some died but the 5 that are left are thriving. Maybe they got beat up in the bucket....? temp is at 75 salinity is at 1.023 :notsure:
temp. is kinda low


TAP WATER... IMO you cant do anything to make tap water safe for saltwater aquariums.
I just upgraded sunday and lost a pigmy angel, i used all the water from my old tank and all i did was add a tiny bit of new sand because the tank was larger ofcourse and BANG! ammo spike, my pigmy died yesterday. I hope the rest make it through tonight! lol can you tell im worried im up at 3:45 in the morning. I did a 25% water change and my ammo was at 0 at 7pm yesteday, so i hope they will be fine.


Active Member
Is anyone thinking salt shock. Perhaps the water in the tank was at a different specific gravity.

Sorry for your losses.