yesterday i got a blue leg hermit(big) this morning is been eaten by somthing
all i have in my tank is 2x domino damsels and 1x mandarin dragonet. so its a mystery as to what has eaten it. can anyone help :thinking:
Check to make sure it isn't a molt. I thought a couple of my hermits had croaked until I actually saw a hermit out of his shell. If there is not a snail-like soft body attached to back of the hermit than it is just a molt.
he will probably use the same shell, but haveing a bunch of shells around that are larger isnt a bad idea. Also it is fun watching them change shells.
good luck with your hermit.
He may be in a different shell.
i thought i had lost crabs before, but then after a closer was just the shell. my cleaner shrimp, too. both my emerald crabs, and my sally light foot, all have given me the, "oh crap......oh wait, sweet, just a shell"