

What would be causing sea Urchins to have all there spines fall off and then die??? they are in a 30 gallon tank that has been going for 3 years and water is testing as is should


one died a few days ago and now the other two have there spikes falling off and look bad! I have a second tank where two are and they are great what copuld be the problem? There seems to be plenty of algae?


Staff member
Chellie, I'm going to move your topic over to the Reef Forum. In the meantime, post up more info. Like salinity, water readings, how long have you had the urchins, etc.


I have had them about three weeks i bought them from this website, my salinty is 1.023 and everything is testing normal? and there is one from the same group that I bought in a different tank and it's doing fine


Active Member
Your water parameters would have to get pretty bad for them to begin shedding their spines. Also lack of nutrition. You must have a HUGE tank to have purchased three urchins. They also may be having a little urchin pow-wow that is causing them to shed. Check all the urchins and see if they have any spines from the other urchins that they are carrying around with them.


ok i just tested my water and the kit i have shows:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .01
Nitrate 5
ph 7.9 and the temp is 82
and the sality is 1.025 which is shoing in the green area as being ok


Active Member
How did you acclimate them?
How old are your test kits?
For new urchins, this is most likely an acclimation/water parameter issue, IMO.


Acclimated them by placing them in a small new bucket and driped water from the tank in it for about 2-3 hours, and these are the only ones that died one from the same group is in a different tank and is fine, and im not sure on the age of the test kit, bf had it before my time.


Active Member
You mean, longer than 3 years or??? on the test kit. I would immediately have the water rechecked at an LFS, regardless.
Do you have problems with any other inverts in this tank?


sounds like an acclimation problem. How did you acclimate these guys? Also your ph is low.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chellie4u2
I am using premixed saltwater out of a box, real ocean water so i can't mess up my water by mixing it.
what exactly does that mean? out of a box or real ocean water?
if its real ocean water, where are you getting it from? 10-15 miles off shore? if not you could be bringing in some very harmful toxins, poisons, pollutants that you cant test for. For example, gasoline!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
what exactly does that mean? out of a box or real ocean water?
if its real ocean water, where are you getting it from? 10-15 miles off shore? if not you could be bringing in some very harmful toxins, poisons, pollutants that you cant test for. For example, gasoline!
i'd say out of a box from like ***** or somewhere.
i've heard urchins have a major bad time with ph changes. they will lose their spines to begin with.
i must have some hearty urchins cause i put 7 into my QT without even acclimating them and they have all grown 3x their size when i orignally put them in the tank.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
what exactly does that mean? out of a box or real ocean water?
if its real ocean water, where are you getting it from? 10-15 miles off shore? if not you could be bringing in some very harmful toxins, poisons, pollutants that you cant test for. For example, gasoline!
I would guess that he's using what we use, Nutri Water Sea Water, or an equivalent. It's boxed sea water that has nutrients and other good stuff added to it. Not the cheap way to go, but we've had no problems with our water quality at all, going on a year now.
*knocking wood now*


what exactly does that mean? out of a box or real ocean water?
if its real ocean water, where are you getting it from? 10-15 miles off shore? if not you could be bringing in some very harmful toxins, poisons, pollutants that you cant test for. For example, gasoline!
ok all im going to say is DUH! I get REAL CATLINA OCEAN WATER that's sold in a box at *****, that way I can't mess up mixing it myself


and how do i increase my ph??? I went and tested my other tank which has the healthy urchin in it and its ph is 8.2 so I'm assuming thats why the other ones shedded and died