deathFW parrot HELP !!!


Active Member
hi i have a red blood parrot, 4 tetras a glass catfish, a clown loacher, a algea eater ( pocosimus i think tht is what they are called) but i HAD a elgea eater as well about 1.5 inches until i found him eaten alive... i dont know if tht is what happend but i saw his head and his spine (white from decaay) and tht is it so i assume he was eaten .. by what tho

i feed my fish everyday @ 7 pm and i dont know if it was the parrot or one of my tetras..
he is aggressive .. believe it or not he chases around all my fish but the parrot and loacher
idk if it was him or what but how much did you guys feed your parrot(s) when you had them ?

:help: :help:
i do not want any other dead fish so please help me
i will try to find the name of the fish he is silver and has blue and orange stripes on his side


Was it a dwarf gourami? I feed my fish twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. I don't feed alot at once though. That is just the way I do it. Alot of people only feed theirs once a day. As far as having the plecostomos in there. If the other fish died the pleco would definately feast on him all night. Check your Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and ph. Alot of things can cause a fish to die. How long have you had it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Was it a dwarf gourami? I feed my fish twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. I don't feed alot at once though. That is just the way I do it. Alot of people only feed theirs once a day. As far as having the plecostomos in there. If the other fish died the pleco would definately feast on him all night. Check your Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and ph. Alot of things can cause a fish to die. How long have you had it?
ok the fish i thought says it peacful in an index.. the pleco did it or ate at him when he was dead? i dont have that kit for all of that because i cam from a 5 gal to 20 but i dont think that its worth it but now it may becaume isnt a dead fish going to raise my ammonia in my tank should i take the parrot and some other that are more delicate out and keep them in the spare until i van do a 50% water change? i tokk my parrot to the fish store and he said tht he was healthy and thriving so i dont think its the water so much.

what would you reccomend or do yorself?

it also said to feed young parrots.. aka mine twice (2) times a day


Yes a decaying fish will cause your ammonia to rise. I have personally never seen a pleco kill another fish, but they will eat them once they are already dead. What kind of saltwater kit did you buy? The API ones are for fresh or salt. You may be able to use your salt kit to test.Read the label to see if it is for both. Also, just because your parrot is healthy I would not assume that all is well. Parrots are very hardy fish. Much more so than the glass fish, loach and tetras are.


Originally Posted by bill109
i will try to find the name of the fish he is silver and has blue and orange stripes on his side
Sound like a Zebra Danio(minnow) didn't think they were aggressive. Dwarfs are suppose to be peaceful, but doesn't mean always. Some Gouromis' are very aggressive, some are peaceful. I've had dwarfs, blues, pearls, pink kissers, orange, and opaline. Blues were the meanies and Pink Kissers are suppose to be, but they didn't pay any mind to the other tankmates, but nobody ate one another. Catfish do eat other fish, he could be the culprit.


Originally Posted by bill109
does anyone know how to tell the --- of a blood parrot?
Parrots as well as a lot of cichlids are nearly impossible to ---. Parrots also will usually not breed being that the males are sterile. The parrots are a mutt/hybrid fish from two other Central American cichlids. It is very possible that he may have killed your algae eater they will eat small fish & are semi-aggressive. The plecostomus surely wouldn't have killed him, but would eat him after dead being that they are a scanvenger type fish. The plecostomus is related to catfish, but they don't have the power to kill another fish really they don't have normal mouths that they can fit a fish in.
Did you ever find out what the fish was with the silver body & orange & blue stripes? What is he shapes like? It could be a number of fish from just that info including, a type of gourami, a type of rainbow, danio possibly, some type of tetra, lots of FW fish have them colors on them.
If you had one little dead fish don't panic & do a huge water change. If you just take him out when you saw him you'll be fine. Really though a parrot needs bigger than a 20g tank, they get around 8" long & need about 50 gallons of water. Also the glass catfish would do times better with more of them in there.


Active Member
is that a clown loach- might it be a khuli loach?
i had a khuli loach take a chunk out of a female velvet swordtail that was still alive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
Parrots as well as a lot of cichlids are nearly impossible to ---. Parrots also will usually not breed being that the males are sterile. The parrots are a mutt/hybrid fish from two other Central American cichlids. It is very possible that he may have killed your algae eater they will eat small fish & are semi-aggressive. The plecostomus surely wouldn't have killed him, but would eat him after dead being that they are a scanvenger type fish. The plecostomus is related to catfish, but they don't have the power to kill another fish really they don't have normal mouths that they can fit a fish in.
Did you ever find out what the fish was with the silver body & orange & blue stripes? What is he shapes like? It could be a number of fish from just that info including, a type of gourami, a type of rainbow, danio possibly, some type of tetra, lots of FW fish have them colors on them.
If you had one little dead fish don't panic & do a huge water change. If you just take him out when you saw him you'll be fine. Really though a parrot needs bigger than a 20g tank, they get around 8" long & need about 50 gallons of water. Also the glass catfish would do times better with more of them in there.
ok the fish that is ornage and blue is a giant danio and i dont want to put anymore fish in there because iit is starting to get crowded i am probally going o buy a larger fw tank like 50 gall and use my old 20 long for sw so hopefully in the futture before he get to to big. almost know it wasnt the glass catfish.. he is scared of everyone in the tank lol and the dead algea eater was about the size of the parrot and they got along so i doubt it was him.
what about the fact that there wasnt enough food and he rotted away as the pleco ate him cus i only founf head and spine on him


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
is that a clown loach- might it be a khuli loach?
i had a khuli loach take a chunk out of a female velvet swordtail that was still alive.
its a clown loach.. hes an inch thogh nothin to be big
i alss have 2 black skirt tetras they say they are nippy at times but they are small


I dunno honestly I wouldn't worry about one death that much. Sometimes fish just die even if they aren't that old & water parameters are perfect. There could be thousands of causes. Just keep your eye out for things like, ich or some other diesease on other fishes, water parameters & you should be fine.