Debate with LFS about T-5 is good for corals


Active Member
Bulb combo is hubbys department, but i believe he has the pc ligting 3 acentics to get blue color, just 1 white and all the t's are 10K, with just 1 acentic. He wants to get rid of the pc entirely, they run very hot and go with 4 acentics and 4 10K T's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Accident waiting to happen doing this........

On a tank bigger then 35 inches i would agree. in this case even plate glass would more then support this tank. i have modified and used several tanks over the last 20 years with zero problem. The most important thing is to know the glass you are dealing with and what it can handle. the modification i listed above not only will work but it will be stronger then the original brace


Just as an example, my 90g tank is 48"x18" and has no center brace. To be fair though the glass is 7/16" thick.


Originally Posted by rmahnick
If two MH have to cut the time to reduce the algae develop and limited enjoy view on reef tank when two MH light off.
If your water quality is very good, you should not have to worry about it. Only tanks with with excess nutrients should have algea problems from longer light periods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
On a tank bigger then 35 inches i would agree. in this case even plate glass would more then support this tank. i have modified and used several tanks over the last 20 years with zero problem. The most important thing is to know the glass you are dealing with and what it can handle. the modification i listed above not only will work but it will be stronger then the original brace
Again you have to make sure the end user knows exactly what he's dealing with......You have the experience on your side.....It would be like telling someone they could drill their tank and wihout knowing they drill the bottom and it's tempered and it explodes........


My wife already ordered 4 T5 retro kit tek 5 from ---- for me, its Surprised because she had noticed that I have been check it up for lighting and read all the forums from this saltwater so she decide to buy the lighting retro. The light is 4X54 watts and I will see what is the difference from MH and T-5 and I will report this what I see.


Active Member
Hey Fanker..
When did you get a new setup???? That's not the one you've been posting pics of. You know the one with the humongose scratch across it! Hmmm looks like thats been setup for a while. HMMMM :thinking:
I am a T5 user, and a believer. But I'm not convinced that they are better than MH. Or even equal. They may be a better choice for some of us though. I like mine.

Beware advise from those who have limited experience and youth on their side.

They probably like Dr. Pepper not Coke or Pepsi. I like Coke! :joy: